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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. this guy hit the nail on the head... It just takes practice. My bike will not downshift smooth unless I do RPM match.
  2. These are all interesting points. Luckily for myself , we didn't have any close passes or anything of the sort. The passing that did happen was clean. Just threw me for a loop because I was under the impression it wasn't allowed. I'm going to continue to be the slow guy in novice for awhile. I've had a blast, met some nice folks, and learned a ton!
  3. Love it. The trigger is nice, the size is nice . I like everything about it.
  4. If your near Dayton , get ahold of me ! If I head north for anything , I'll let you know
  5. Doesn't fit my hand as well as I thought . I also bought an xds 9 to replace it.
  6. Sr9c with all the original equipment goodies . 10 rd and 17 rd mag and speed loader
  7. I agree with Chuck. I had a blast and I can't wait to ride there again!
  8. It's awesome to see it come around turn 10 and hammer down the front straight !
  9. passing doesn't phase me, if I know its going to happen. When they've stated no passing, your in that mind set. being close doesn't bother me in the least bit.
  10. I agree with that. I got everything I expected out of the day except an open session. I was happy as a clam. I was happy with my riding, and progression. I don't think I'm going to jump to the I group quite yet. I don't have the confidence in myself.
  11. word, any idea what they were up too? I sure would have been down for some passing! Your right, it did seem like there were a few crashs, but none in novice.
  12. Its only my second track day, I expected it to be slow. I kind of hoped for an open session like I had with my previous experience. I really don't know what her situation was.
  13. Session 7 leap frog. Things got kind of confusing. The control rider apparently wanted us to both go, so Granda and I were swapping back and fourth, on the front straight, and next thing I knew they were no where around, so I just kept making laps, just sorta cruising along. It was a riot as always. Just sorta felt held up. I learned alot though. It made me slow down and work on being smooth and hitting my lines better. She had never been to a track day before. The words that seemed to go on between the guy she was with and Sam, didn't appear friendly. She complained the track was bumpy, and slow.
  14. The german girl was riding a ducati of some sort, and the fellow she was with was on a panigale. No clue what happend then. He tossed a vest on and did his own thing. German girl was very german. She didn't know how far 6 feet was. We had a couple run offs. Nothing serious. All day our control rider told us we would get an open session, and the lead instructor ( sam wong) said lets just do leap frog. No idea why he did it that way. Sam was great though, and fun to chat with. I don't know who my control rider was( He said everyone called him captain lowside) , but he was great. I would ride with him any day!
  15. Completed my second track day this weekend. Granda080, Hoblick and myself ventured over to putnam. Hoblick rode intermediate, The novice class at this particular moto series session was completely different from STT. We rode 7 session's with moto series, which was pretty cool compared to the 6 sessions we rode with STT. I was under the impression that moto series had less instruction and just kind of let you go, which ended up being the exact opposite. There was classroom after every single session, which got kind of hectic as the day went on, but wasn't bad. Lots more 1 on 1. Granda and I were the "fast" novice group and we were the only ones in the group. Lots of direct input on what we were doing and how we were riding and what to change. STT had classroom in the morning, and in the afternoon they turned us free. No passing in the corners, ride safe. Moto held us with the control rider all day. Never did get a free session. STT focused a ton on body position, all day. They hit it hard non stop on the body position. They discussed the race line some, Moto series spent the entire morning hitting line work hard. They never mentioned body position until the 5th session. They stressed the linework real heavy, and helped me clean up my lines considerably. I didn't feel like i was "hunting" I was much more confident this track day ,than I was my first one. We played leap frog most of the afternoon. One rider out front, control rider and then the rest of the group behind the control rider. Once you hit the front straight the rider behind the control rider jumps out front and the previous leader falls to the back. This was cool , because you had direct feed back on what to change. The downside was that there was no passing. Period. Spent lots of time held up, but rules are rules, and I didn't want to freak anyone out by jumping a pass. There was a girl with someone who was racing today, and him and the lead instructor had some words because the girl didn't feel she was going fast enough. Next thing I know the the guy and the girl are off, on the track doing their own thing. When the rules are no passing, your not expecting to get passed, especially when your already being held up by a slower rider, and someone blows past them when they are under the impression there is no passing, it throws them off. I never totally figured out that situation, nor am I even worried about it. I would have enjoyed an open session, where we would be able to pass in the straights, but rules are rules. I always enjoy seat time. Our control rider told us both we could jump to intermediate next time , which I'm not sure i'm totally comfortable with that on my currently tire set up.( angel St's) Weather was great, learned alot, and all in all was a good day.
  16. i'm a huge advocate of the BRC. I wouldn't be here without that course.
  17. Not a motorcycle shop, but by far one of the best butchers in the piqua / Troy/ Sidney area. They are located in Sidney on wapakoneta avenue . Fantastic meat, prices and selection. Customer service is great as well. As a first time customer , I shall return!
  18. Granda080 and I will be there saturday for the track day.
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