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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. I ended up purchasing redkows one piece suit
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0wJ4iMY0hM
  3. oldschoolsdime92


    aww look at trudy...
  4. It fits!paypal has been sent! Redkow is a standup dude. He shipped me the suit to try on, and even offered to pay shipping back if it didn't fit. The suit fits well, I don't think it could get any better without being a custom fitted suit.
  5. That's a tough area for someone who's not logged many miles. I kinda wish the guys you were riding with would have looked out alittle better and not taken you there yet!
  6. Take the msf course asap, and wear your gear all the time. Glad your okay, bikes are repairable
  7. I opted for redkows one piece suit. Should be arriving tomarow. I don't typically ride and hang out or do the bike night thing. I go ride to ride.I really wanted somthing for the dragon trip in June and the suit fits the bill more than perfect, as long as it fits well. Besides , I always liked the blue ranger,.so now I have a halloween costume!
  8. It's shipping out Friday , so I will know if its gonna fit soon there after!
  9. Got them. Thank you. Emailed back. You can shoot me a text if.you'd like.and.we can figure everything.out
  10. any suggestions on leather? I am looking for some good pants for the dragon trip. I would even buy a one or two piece suit for the right price.
  11. These kinda look like what I had in mind. I like the idea of good ventilation. I'm not 100% sure.on not going leather, but I'd guess these still have to be better than jeans.
  12. I've looked at a few pair of leather pants, but I need to go to I.p and try some on. I looked at the kevlar jeans a bit, but I'm not sure how they would do.
  13. I want to get some riding pants, and have looked at quite a few pairs. I thought I would ask if anyone had suggestions.
  14. I will pm you. I was very impressed w motohio when I stopped there.
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