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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. A meat smoker and a hangover. Mostly the hangover. You goan lose 20 pounds and vomit
  2. I’m starting to think you don’t believe us on how busy the day will be and how wore out you will be. You goan learn.
  3. One of the nurses at work has decided to sell hers. It’s a nice one with rear bunks. I’ll tag you in her FB post
  4. That would be awesome. Nothing would be more epic than an old guy in overalls wheelie past a group of young posers ?
  5. Oh wait Sunday is VMD isnt it? The later the better, there will be a ton of activity and tear down sunday
  6. After Sundays event is over so theres room to move in. I dont know whats running Sunday, 4 or 5pm is a good bet
  7. You’ll camp in the paddock. Staff will guide you
  8. The non yutugg method. Feel free to follow yutugg if you wish
  9. I’ve passed a ride of theirs. Got 12 or 13 of them in full tuck on 600s and 1000s thru hocking. I was on my dirt bike with street tires sitting upright waving. They were definitely topping their abilities out, not sure about topping bikes out. Wheelies. 2nd gear light pressure on rear brake clutch it up with about 2000 extra rpm stay steady on the throttle and use the rear brake to control the height
  10. Same stuff you wash your bike with and hang dry
  11. I saw that one. I’ve been searching waiting for a steal. There’s still some leftovers at dealers marked down to 8699-8999. Waiting for that to adjust the used pricing. That’s the color I want too
  12. Yea take that you greedy capitalist bastard hate monger
  13. Hoped maybe someone traded one for a Scout. If that happens let me know
  14. Ohh you work at an Injun place? What’s the chances you have a Victory Octane there? I think I wants one
  15. I do love my KTM’s. I expect to get a short joy ride on yours! ? I’m considering a SuperDuke R. And yes they are remapable, not sure where that info came from but it sounds like something Pony would say
  16. Just to give back to him the same comment he gave me
  17. Why is it if the almighty 2tall doesn't agree with it, it's wrong?
  18. Can’t put both in the Toyota? John hauls two sport bikes in his Dakota the endro and FZ should fit easy
  19. First day you’ll be in novice. Pull fuse for lights and tape them over. Remove mirrors and license plate. Make sure you have good tires. Thats really about it for novice
  20. My KTM is sensed off front ring on rotor
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