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Everything posted by blue03636

  1. Man the guy at NC bike took some great pics.
  2. Also, I don't use the slipper. It's a backup of I screw up.
  3. If that thing has a slipper, it's not working right.
  4. When is the last time the clutch has been pulled? Mine was toast and when the slipper caught it was like dumping the clutch. It could also be from going in to first gear, not sure why that was done. It also appears that you are very jerky with inputs and the bike just moves a ton. Might need to work on being super smooth with any input. Pull the clutch cover and look at the steels to see how they look. If they are fine I would guess it's just from dropping in to first and the inputs not being smooth.
  5. To be fair, 2 were on a track that was maybe 40 degrees and the third was on a green track (rained like mad the few days before we rode).
  6. I ran mine in early May. Was a high of 70
  7. That sc3 was great that I used. I want to see if it will grip with my new shock mounted up.
  8. I have 2 days on my race rear and it's going to get another day or 2
  9. For $75 I'll take the warmers. I'll figure out a way to meet up with you or if Tim gets the bag I'll let him pick them up for me.
  10. Man, thanks for forgetting about me
  11. Maybe hit up Owensboro? Can't help you with roads to ride though.
  12. I'll be at NCM so some of us have an excuse.
  13. Hopefully. And hopefully I'll get my head out of my ass next time.
  14. They had different classes. Light, middle and heavy weight everyone on 1 bike or pony express where everyone rides their own bike. 2-4 riders for each class and each person rides as much as the team agrees on. We just ran everyone until the fuel light kicks on which my stint was the shortest on the zx10 of about 45-50 min.
  15. Man, what a fun weekend at Nelson's. Couldn't have asked for better weather. On another note, or team took 3rd in the endurance race on Sunday. My stint was all out of wack having to go out on cold tires due to the plug vibrating out of the generator. It was in my head for the next 20 min. Managed to settle in to the 13s for the next 25 min. Should have been in the 11s but I'll take what my mind will let me run. Props to @TimTheAzn on his first race, first race start and smashing in some quick laps for us.
  16. Should have a decent group this weekend.
  17. I was impressed for completely stock shock.
  18. Had a great weekend at pitt. The rear tire lost edge grip the last few sessions so it was fun sliding it around and leaving darkies.
  19. Please, I have seen novice riders going 45 down that back strait.
  20. I absolutely love these sprockets.
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