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hue jass

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Everything posted by hue jass

  1. I remember, "They're hitting the ground like sacks of wet cement!" Some funny characters on that show.
  2. The announcer said "...cockpit first." I couldn't tell from the video, but that should mean the car was on it's side in the air with the cockpit facing the fence. Bad bad.
  3. Great video - shows what it's really like out there. rep
  4. hue jass


    Just think, in 10,000 miles the value of your bike is going to jump! Nice going!
  5. I don't have an Inkfile. I have the piffile, though
  6. I'm sure you asked them the question you're asking here (I mean who wouldn't). Did they not know the answer?
  7. I've got Warm n Safe Jacket liner, Gerbings heated gloves and a dual HeatTroller. Even in 37° weather I don't need the jacket liner - a good windproof/waterproof jacket with thermal liner and a sweatshirt is enough unless it's a long ride. You can always leave it off and it connects to the gloves, too so you don't have to run lines out to the hands. The hands are key, though. You'll want heat at 55°. 2¢ proffered.
  8. Oh shit, I'm going to look at dirt bikes again...
  9. Don't know about the bike, but this Ultra 300X watercraft must fly.
  10. hue jass

    WTF is this?

    What'll they think of next?!
  11. There's nuthin' wrong with this right here:thefinger: Nice mile-deep fine metalic? Oh yea
  12. Definitely - Grunge brush is brand new, silicone is full.
  13. I can box 'em for cheap. Send me an address and I'll find the rate. Shouldn't be more than a few bucks.
  14. All are new and full. The lights on the left are 2-wire, the carbon fiber look on the right are 3-wire.
  15. This from Canyon Chasers is good reading. CLICK
  16. Use Nitrile gloves (10 pack for $5 at H Freight) they're tougher. Wear the silk liners underneath. Toasty warm. I don't take them off unless I'm stopping for more than fuel. Pull them off inside-out and they're dry when you get back. Plus, your gloves aren't even damp when you get home. I've looked at these but they may be too bulky for under gloves CLICK Fergot....V-Strom HandGuards fit just about everything - had 'em on my FJR and they went a long way to keeping hands warm.
  17. I have a feeling the guy in the Harley jacket's gonna get it.
  18. I did this a long time ago with a friend. We saw this Secrets of Stunts or something and they said, to fake a punch, just stand offset. The camera can't tell and it looks real. Easy to do - should be awesome! Do it!
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