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Everything posted by Rod38um

  1. Like a Rock......... Good lookin truck!
  2. Rod38um

    Just move!

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091031/ap_on_fe_st/us_odd_just_move COLUMBUS, Ohio – Residents of Ohio's capital city are complaining that police officers are telling them to move out if they're fed up with neighborhood crime. At least two Columbus city council members have heard the complaint. An aide to Councilwoman Charleta Tavares says she has received more than 20 calls. Councilman Andrew Ginther says if police are making the comments, they're neither acceptable nor appropriate, though he says he believes most officers want to be helpful. A police spokesman says the department addresses the complaints when it's given the name of an officer. A police union official says he understands if officers are frustrated with crime. Fraternal Order of Police President Jim Gilbert says: "It's like the OK Corral out there."
  3. Both Al and Jesse make their living off promoting racism. Anytime someone forms a group, sets themselves apart and demands something from others whether it be respect, money or some other benefit, it gives everyone else a target to focus on and a stereotype to believe in....... thus..... racism extended for another day. Any man who goes about his business and does well for himself without asking others to do for him will be respected by 99.9% of the people. Both those guys have been selling out their own race under the guise of helping them, just to make a buck. Both would go broke if they didnt promote racism. Just my .02......
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC08Lx-zkhI
  5. Several years ago, Mead, and a few other large land owners in Ohio, decided to issue hunting lease's to people. Previously they allowed the public to hunt for free. Once they did this, businessmen from out of state started leasing large tracts of land for themselves and buddies to hunt on leaving the local guy out of luck. Many farmers followed this lead and issued lease's for their property..... it just made it so if you dont own your own land or have a friend who hasnt leased his yet, you're out of luck. Hunting public land is almost as useless as it is dangerous these days........ The situation kinda sucks..........
  6. I guess if it were up to me..... I'd make an exception for retired. If you've worked your whole life, paid your way.... you deserve it. My town is full of people who have the "never done it, never will" attitude about work and to be honest, I'm sick to death of supporting their able bodied, lazy, fat asses. Its surprising how fast someone can pull their life together when all assistance is denied them....... heck I've actually seen people stoop so low as to fill out an application........... Simply amazing!
  7. I happen to agree. I would like to see Voting fairness. We already have many voting restriction now that people just dont think about. For instance: I am not allowed to vote in the district that I own property. I dont live there! I have rental houses there and that makes it so my renters can go and vote to raise my taxes, vote on school issues I must pay for, vote on public works issues I must pay for but I have no right to vote there. I believe I should have more right to vote there than they do because I am a tax paying, employed, property owner who is directly affected by the vote. My renters are unemployed public assistance recepients who by their choice are at the mercy of others for their well being. I will go as far as saying that if you depend on any public assistance, you should not be able to vote. Period!
  8. I saw one once that showed the natural progression of societies thru-out history. It went sort of like, they come into existence by military or force which is the most conservative, as time goes on they progress to a conservative rule, slowly move to the middle after a few generations then to the left and once they get far enough left, they either get taken over by an enemy or from within. The far left has always been the last step in every structured society. Rome was great example they used but they also went into many modern day governments... The detail in breaking down the politics of a society in history reminds me of this one I cant seem to find it though........ I'll keep looking.
  9. Oh you're not too far away..... I'm just across the Scioto River from you... Welcome to the board!
  10. I cant see this, it still seems 100% obvious as I stated before.
  11. I'm not anti cop. One would think I am because I really never had a good experience with a cop and I have known several, personally and proffesionally. I would gladly breakdown a video in favor of the cop if you show me one that warrants it........ this one is not it.... And chasing a car does not give a cop the right to shoot the driver. fleeing does not put the cop in danger, chasing does.... had the claim of trying to ram the cop been legit.... I'd have been for the cop........ it was BS though......... end of story....
  12. You cant kill people on "what ifs" and "maybe's" My point is this is all this is unknown to the cop........
  13. Ofcourse you're welcome to your view but as for me, from the first action (when the guy turned the car around, saw the cop and stopped, turned his wheels to avoid the cop and gassed it..... the last action of sitting in the car, stopped and getting shot repeatedly. All the guy wanted was to flee, he was not being aggressive. the Cop however was aggressive and untruthful. If I could see some other evidence that showed something different, I'd sure like to call it in favor of the cop...... I cant do that here nor can I on most internet videos.... they get to the net for a reason....... I still would have to find the cop guilty based on what I see.... not on what cops usually do or how stuff is usually called in or on what it turns out the guy did after the fact........ all that is irrelavant the what happened exactly then.......... sorry.........
  14. If this video is presented in court and I have to look at it frame by frame and determin what the cop did, what the suspect did and what the cop knew as fact or not..... I would convict the cop for murder..... no question.
  15. Ok, I did, and just after he says if he gets the chance, he's gonna take him out, she tells another cop that he is pursuing a "possible" stolen vehicle. Still doesnt change the bogas Ram claim and it still doesnt changed him climbing on a stopped car and cold bloodedly murdering an unarmed person.
  16. Where did you get that????? The cop called in that "a vehicle tried to ram him"!
  17. It appears the car was sitting there half on and off the road prompting the cop to take a closer look about the time the car pulled out.... seen the cop, re-adjusted his course to avoid and flee from the cop. The cop instantly claimed the guy tried to ram him. then later says he's gonna "Take him out" if he gets the chance. After all was said, done and shots fired, turns out the guy was a criminal. That doesnt really mean anything to me after the fact, as it could have just as easily been a scared teenager for all the cop knew....
  18. The first shots fired there is not enough video to make a good conclusion however it appears he fired towards something at the front left of his car that apparently fled, causing him to get back in and give chase.... again one would think the victim was not being aggressive, it appears fleeing was his priority.
  19. At exactly 3:40 the cop climbs on the hood of the stopped car at exactly 3:42 the car starts to roll..............
  20. I just watched in again. In slow motion and several times. The car was stopped and didnt move until shots were fired. The car started rolling when the guy apparently was "too dead" to hold the break. Watch it again.....
  21. While agree with this quote, I did not see this action in the video. I heard the claim by the cop but it seemed bogus. The guy was trying to get away. I would have more justification for shooting into oncoming traffic while crossing at a crosswalk, I mean at least those cars are pointed directly at me when I step in their way. This murder victim was trying to steer away from the cop. At no time would I have viewed the victims actions in the car as even remotely threatening to me.
  22. Hmm, 3 pages and still issues that haven't been discussed! The government is already involved in many ways. And to those who think it should be a womans decision... I 100% disagree! It takes two to make a child, yet currently only the woman has the right to abort. However, here is the sticking point. A man does not have the right to abort nor does he have the right to keep his child if the mother chooses abortion. He is obligated to live with the regret of her killing his child which is totally not fair. I would choose to keep my child! Period. And he is obligated if she chooses to keep a child that he would rather abort, to pay for 18 years worth of child support for a child that he didnt want. So currently its all in the womans favor. She chooses abortion... no harm no foul on her under law. She chooses life... no harm no foul on her under law. The man... No choice and penalized either way. Try to stop an abortion and they tell you you have no rights to it...... let it be born and your hooked for $$$.$$ for years. That being said, I'm against it...... I have never heard a single unselfish reason for it. Its always to make things easier on the mom or the family, never for the benifit of the child or anyone else..... if your old enough to breed, take some responsibility for your actions! Grow up.....
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