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Posts posted by Meanie

  1. I think I am going to make this...was a little iffy but should be there. I'll try and get my Chili put together, and if you need I can bring my laptop and portable HDD with a few thousand songs on it. If there is already going to be a laptop there, then I'll just bring the drive.

    Seeya tomorrow.

  2. Anyone have some decent land here in Ohio that would allow my uncle from Pennsylvania to hunt on.

    My uncle has hunted many different states and would like to come here to Ohio for a hunt during deer season. He is a retired stationary store owner, and used to be a police officer in a small town in PA. (He is not some hillbilly that will tear up your land or anything like that.) He will be accompanied by a friend of his that he normally takes hunting trips with.

    If you have some land and wouldn't mind him hunting it please let me know.



  3. I'm not a fan of AT&T. I've never had it, mainly because I work for Insight. I get my phone/cable (all channels) and RR for about $50/month. My father-in-law has AT&T and hates it. He is planning on leaving them as soon as his contract is up. He said his internet is slow, which it is, occasionally loses channels, and their customer service sucks.

    I've only had TW one time about 6 years ago.

  4. LOL I was wondering how long it was going to take. I wouldn't mind having a ZX14 but that stretched shit is ghey!

    I would buy that bike if...

    1. I had extra money (already have a little girl and now another child on the way)

    2. that swing arm would have to go back to stock.

  5. I don't think I have ever really paid any attention to the whole rep thing. I read a few of the comments left when I was repped. It doesn't mean anything to me. If I ask for advice on something I look at the advice I get and figure out what I want to do. Just because your rep o'meter isn't that high doesn't mean you have no useful information...the opposite is also true.

    So I'm not voting cause I don't give a rats ass if it stays or goes.

  6. Pratt,

    If you are debating on buying a new exhaust, do that before buying a PC and having a tune done. In most cases you do not need a PC when adding an exhaust. However if you mess with the air flow that's when the PC (or other a/f module) is needed. So to recap.

    1. buy new exhaust

    2. install said exhaust

    3. purchase PC, or other fuel processor module.

    4. install module

    5. get tune completed.

    The PC runs around $250 - $350 depending on bike and where it is purchased.

    The dyno tune is usually around $300.00 again more or less expensive depending on where is is done.

    The PC usually will increase HP and fuel mileage, and just make the bike run a little better.

    There are maps you can download from power commanders website, you can also find them on exhaust websites. However, there are slight variances between bikes and if you are going to spend the money on a power commander then you might as well spend the extra money to have it tuned to your specific bike and setup.

  7. Connection of the PC3 really isn't bad at all. If the guy left the map on there you shouldn't have any issues at all. Figure out where you are going to mount it. Make the connections, mount the unit. Once it's mounted and connected, you can turn the bike to run without starting it and if you want to verify the map is still there you can connect a laptop using a usb cable. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to pull a copy of the map off the PC3 and keep it on your laptop or burn it to CD.

    If the previous owner had the same setup, you shouldn't have any issues running it with the current map. Getting a dyno tune may or may not be worth it. Each bike will have small differences between them, but it may not be that much. take it for a test run and see how she does.

    Good luck and grats on the purchase.

  8. I replaced my stock bulb with a Sylvania Silverstar. The difference is night and day....literally. They are available at most auto parts stores. I think I got mine at Advanced Auto Parts for $19. I will replace it with the same thing when this one burns out. Two of my friends also replaced theirs after seeing the difference it made on mine.

    Good Luck

  9. Ok so I am in the process of starting a trust fund for Zach's daughter. I contacted the bank and they said I needed a Trust document from an attorney. I contacted my attorney and I am awaiting a call back. If the attorney fees are too much I am going to go a different route with this. I don't see the point of setting up a trust fund and using half or more of the money to pay an attorney. So if there is a fee for the trust document I will probably contact AD Farrow Northstar and get the money to his mother.

    Any other suggestions let me know please.


    ok from I was I just told by the attorney it will cost a few hundred dollars to draw up the trust documents. Since AD Farrow is closed today, if I don't get any other suggestions, I'll be heading to AD Farrow tomorrow night after work. Looks like rain tomorrow afternoon so i'll be caging it.

  10. Uhh, I'm not a Steelers fan, but this sh*t of women saying they were raped by an athlete/celebrity is a bunch of Sh*t. "I was afraid I'd be fired if I filed a report I was raped" BS had he actually raped her she would have filed a report and sued him for millions of dollars and wouldn't need the damn job. Most likely they did have sex, but she concented. He probably told her how beautiful she was blah blah blah and she thought he was going to actually going to have a relationship with her.


    I do not condone rape in any form or fashion. To those that have have committed rape, may your penises become puss filled and painful with even the slightest thought of sex.

    hmm that was kinda graphic and disturbing....

  11. I've been watching UF since the first season. I watch all the PPVs and love the sport. This season seems to be about the worst ones I've seen. Before the season started I wanted Kimbo and Wes Sims to get their asses beat. I agree Kimbo has no place in the UFC. After watching the first 3 episodes of UF, I'd have to agree Kimbo has probably the best work ethic and hunger to learn MMA. He will get picked up by one of the top training camps and most likely get a PPV shot after the show. He seems very humble and more likable than the reputation he has.

    Wes Sims is a homo. I've seen a few of his ameture fights and was not impressed. He is extremely cocky, evident in his fights with Tim Silvia. He fought for the UFC a few times and again was not that impressive. I saw him down at the Arnold Fitness Expo 2 years ago and he was hanging out around the UFC booth trying to pick up women. It made me laugh. So far he hasn't said a whole lot on the show, at least he hasn't been on camera that often. Maybe he has grown up a bit.

    Big Country looked pathatic and has a long way to go before he can consider himself a "master". His current skills will keep him at the bottom of the ranks in the heavy weight division. He most likely will not advance very far this season. As of right now there is no top runner. Rashads top pick did not look that impressive.

    I'll continue to watch because as mentioned before UF seems to pave the way for alot of up and coming fighters. They look mediocre during the show and in the several months to a year after the show and after some training from which ever camp picks them up there is a vast improvement.

  12. I have a Harmon Kardon Receiver which I love. I think I paid around 400 for the receiver and the speakers which I can't remember the brand I think I paid about 200. The system sounds great. The speakers could probably use an upgrade but they work great for as much as I use them. The receiver has plenty of inputs, including 2 optical, and 2 Coaxial digital. The only thing mine doesn't have is component imputs./outputs. But I'm not a big fan of running the video through the receiver. Good luck....BTW if you find anything at HHgregg, I get a discount there through the company I work for. If you are paying cash I can meet you there and get my discount for ya. I think it's about 10%. I don't remember because I don't shop there that often. Also don't forget Circuit City is still available online and has some pretty good deals occasionally.

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