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Posts posted by Meanie

  1. Well I think I am just going to setup a fund for his daughter. It's seems like the road to travel with less resistance. I'll set up the bucket at Bike night tomorrow night. Then this weekend I'll figure out a good way to invest it for her. As for the gift card from Pig Iron, you can either give it to Zachs' parents or his wife. Unless someone wants to buy it from the donations. I'll talk to you more tomorrow night.

  2. Hey I'm posting this for Bear9. He has a 97 Yamaha FZR600R and has clutch and transmission problems. He said he order the parts but has never worked on a bike transmission before. Anyone around the Westerville area willing to lend a hand? He doesn't have much money but can pay in beer or maybe a little cash.

    I'll let him know if anyone is available. I guess I need to have him come back down to my place so I can teach him how to post on the forum.....freakin' technical retards....

    You can PM me or call me 614-893-0186



  3. I talked about doing this in the other threads about Zach, so Sunday at the Meet and Greet, there will be a donation bucket. Nobody HAS to donate but if you feel like it the bucket will be there. I'm going to try to get there a little early this time so I can get the bucket set up before the majority of the group shows up.

    I'm not sure exactly how we are going to get it to his family yet, but I know there were a few mentions of different rides for him. Maybe we can meet up as a group and hit one of the rides. We'll get that part figured out later.

    Thanks and RIP Zack.


  4. Bike night is tonight at BWR maybe we can get a bucket for donations setup tonight and do another one at the M&G.

    I was think also about doing a ride for him. Maybe a bunch of us can meet up somewhere and do a ride and have it end at his house and give his wife the donations we collect. Of course we'd have to get in touch with his wife to make sure she is ok with a bunch of bikes showing up at their house.

    Like Kreator said I also didn't know him, but he was very excited about his bike. I wish he would have made it home to enjoy it....

    RIP Zack


  5. I have a brand new still in packaging Carbon Fiber license plate frame. The packaging says it fits a CBR 600RR '07 and up. I think license plate frames are pretty interchangeable so I would guess it would fit anything. The frame itself is obviously carbon fiber color and says Honda Racing in silver on the bottom of the frame. Price tag is still on it and reads 39.95. I'll take $25 and would rather make a face to face sale rather then shipping.


  6. Was the fat white guy with the bright ass green shorts the judge? If he was, I probably could have won best in show since his shorts matched my bike.

    Did the GSXR with no headlight or gauge cluster (i.e. big hole in the front) and mismatched tank/fairings win anything?

    No "Cheddar Bob" just tried to rap. The guy that owned that GSXR with no headlight took it home and rode the VRod back and won cruiser class with it.

  7. Ok, thinking when we first got there there would be several entries in the bike show I decided to put my bike in the cruiser contest. We got back at 5 when they were suppose to do the judging and they decided to push it to 7. We decided to hang out and ended up talking to gsxrnurse, Mr. A and a few others. They also got bored and left. We stayed. A few of the other people started riding wheelies and playing around. The guy riding the wheelies dropped his bike and the streched Zx-12 did a few burnouts. Nothing real impressive. Anyway around 7 they did the judging and a GSXR 750 took the street class. Actually a nice looking bike was blue and copper. A stock VRod took the cruiser class. No Choppers showed up so there was no award. I ended up taking the Best in Show award. The three of us that won were the only 3 that showed up for the awards. This was the first and last time I will be at this event. Oh well I got my money back for entering the show and a few extra and we got to make fun of alot of people.

  8. I think the mean streak is a bike that is appealing to a select few individuals. It's kind of an acquired taste. That being said this forum is probably not the forum to try and sell the bike on. The vast majority of people on this site are sport bike riders. You'd probably have better luck selling it on meanriders.com, or ridersforum.com. Then try craigslist. I bought mine the end of last year with 7500 miles bone stock for 5k. Good luck with your sale.

    The above stated comments are of my own and in no way reflect that of the forum or its members.

  9. That was a great post, thanks for sharing. Like mentioned before I hope for their safe return. I had a lot of friends that were over there. Actually one of my friends I was on the wrestling team with had a desk job and when the crap started over there, he decided he needed to be out on the lines instead of being behind a desk. A few days after he arrived in Afghanistan he got shot several times. He survived, but lost and eye, and had severe damage to his right side. I talked to him through facebook once or twice but I haven't been able to meet up with him in person. My sister seen him at a fair back home in Pennsylvania. She said he seemed to be doing ok, but I'm sure it fucks with his head alot. That whole war just pisses me off, but I have nothing but respect for anyone who has ever served.

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