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Posts posted by Scruit

  1.  better chance of car stalling and coming to a quicker stop when rear ended rather than being hit, foot coming off the brake and being pushed through traffic.


    It's not about what's better - he's just taking an anti-europe stance for the sake of it.


    Most cars in Europe are stick shift, so their driving habits are not as common here.  At a traffic light I pull the handbrake on and put the car in Neutral.  Give my clutch foot a rest.

  2. Ducati mounts their kickstands to the engine case. There is no frame down there on my bike.

    I am surprised at the number of riders that don't park in gear. I ALMOST always park and start in gear. That "clunk" into first just makes my face twitch when I hear it from other bikes.

    How many of you put your bike in neutral at a traffic light?


    Neutral at light only after the car behind me has stopped.  Otherwise in 1st gear and pointed to one side or other of the car in front of me.

  3. I use the key like most of everyone on here.  I never leave it in gear, always neutral when I park.  When I get gas, I use the center stand so I know I am packing it full of fuel, other than that, I usually use the side stand.  The only time I use the side stand to kill my bike is for its intended purpose, when I am trying to put it into gear to go and I forget to put it up.  Never used the kill switch, don't see a need for it unless the bike goes down and is still running.


    I stay on the bike during fill-ups so it stays upright already.  I have accidentally killed the engine with the sidestand, never on purpose.

  4. This is interesting, I always leave my side stand down when on the center stand. IDK why, maybe if it fell off the center stand maybe the side stand might catch it, although highly doubtful. I have heard stories of the kill switch wearing out on BMWs by being turned on and off too much.


    Back when Honda Northwest was open I watched one of their techs roll a bike backwards in neutral, pushing from the handlebars...  Then just let it go.   It fell to its left side as it rolled and landed on the kickstand - continuing its slide, dragging on the kickstand, for another 6 or 7 feet on the smooth concrete floor.


    Maybe an approved technique of moving bikes...  But that was when I figured I wasn't gonna have them do any more work on my bike.

  5. I've heard all kinds of weird things about why the kill switch exists, from "It's the primary way of turning the bike off - It's the E in the MSF FINE-C process" all the way to "It's only to turn the bike off if you feel you are falling off"


    I've always used the kill switch to turn the bike off and left it in the off position while parked.  It's right there, so why not?   


    Turn on:

     - Key in, turn to Off the release steering lock

     - Get on bike, rock it off the center stand

     - Key to Run

     - Neutral

     - Engine switch to RUN

     - Starter


    Turn off:

     - Engine switch to STOP

     - 1st gear

     - Kickstand down

     - Get off the bike

     - Pull the bike up onto the center stand and stow the kickstand

     - Turn the handlebars full left, turn key from Run to Lock and remove key.

  6. At work the other day I noticed every bike but mine parked with the engine stop switch in the "Run" position.  I always turn my engine off using that switch. 

    The wiring diagram for my bike shows the engine switch cuts off power to the coil, and the ignition cuts off power to the ECM. 


    Is there a right way and a wrong way?  Or is it different strokes?

  7. Yeah, there's a lot of people that do suck.

    Hope the guy gets caught, and she gets her bikes back in OK shape.

    Kind of makes me weary of where I park my bike at work now. We have cameras too, don't know if they'd get a plate # either.


    Back in the days of D1 and 4CIF (NTSC) video (roughly 720x480) getting plate numbers from CCTV is was just a "CSI" thing, not a real life thing... Unless the cameras are designed/installed with the express intent of capturing license plates (installed at a choke point and aimed at the bumper).   Nowadays with megapixel IP cameras you might get lucky, but I'd assume you'll get a make/model/color only - with maybe a gross distinctive feature like "passenger windows has trash bag in place of glass".


    I'd certainly be taking your own personal steps to guard against loss from theft.  (Specifically "loss from theft", not "theft" - there are no guarantees in theft protection so good insurance is a must)

  8. Sure.  Think of it this way.  Bill Gates has a few billion in assets but only has 50K in liability insurance when he hits you.  You and your lawyer would want to know what kind of assets Bill has. One way to find that out is to see what they spend money on.  Does he eat at McDonalds or Kitcho's in Japan.  A few bucks for a PI is cheaper and easier than a court fight for subpoenas to find assets, especially if they are being hidden. 


    Fair enough. 

  9. Even been at full lean and then seen an 8x4 sheet of thin plywood lying on the road right in your path?


    All I could do was stand it up, cross the plywood in a straight line then get back into the lean - and being thankful there was enough shoulder to runoff and complete the turn.

  10. I had a close family member hit another car. And it was a pretty bad accident. He passed out while driving.

    The other persons attorney hired a PI to see if he would be spending money he didn't have....


    Again...  Why....?   I can understand a PI to figure out if false injury/disability claim are made...  But who cares how much the at-fault driver spends on stuff?  I'm clearly missing a huge piece of this puzzle.


    Was the PI trying to determine if the at-fault driver had sufficient assets to make it worth suing him...?

  11. Around here people pay for reserved spaces (via donations to United Way) so parking in somebody else's spot could be considered "theft of service" or similar.


    I actually had someone physically move my motorcycle and found a truck parked in its place in the "Motorcycles only" area.  I went to the facilities management and had the truck moved.  Although the truck owner denied moving the bike it was made clear to them that next time a bike was tampered with like that it would handled by the cops.

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  12. I'd be surprised if they targeted the type and color of bike you have - but the blue triangle in to top corner tells me that's a targeted ad.  Motorcycle-related searches, etc.


    You can opt out of (some) targeted ads here:  http://www.networkadvertising.org/choices/

    You'll still get ads, it'll just be for stuff you probably don't care about.   adblock plus is your friend.  And Ghostery.

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