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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. open mic! Someone has an open mic and having a conversation - dispatch is going nuts trying to quiet him down.
  2. CNN is now showing that same address (and the boat, highlighted, which appears in their picture even though just a boat trailer appears in mine) as the location. Helicopter headed back to Boston for fuel The press are getting too close to the scene (sneaking through an industrial parking lot from Parker St) and the police are having to waste manpower to keep them out. Apparently 3 officers was not enough - they must be giving the cops a hard time.
  3. "Negative movement, still on his back" "We have some flameless OC vapor"
  4. Is this the location? Just heard "67 Franklin" https://maps.google.com/maps?q=67+Franklin+Street,+Watertown,+Massachusetts&hl=en&ll=42.366435,-71.174156&spn=0.000848,0.001321&sll=42.371418,-71.182394&sspn=0.019182,0.042272&oq=67+franklwatertown+massachusetts&t=h&gl=us&hnear=67+Franklin+St,+Watertown,+Middlesex,+Massachusetts+02472&z=20
  5. Called for radio silence, then recommended further negotiations.
  6. Can I have a big mac, fries, coke, and a level 3 kevlar vest with trauma plate, please?
  7. Upon what do you base the assertion that the hold-up was intentional, or that the driver knew the mcd's staff?
  8. For everyone who wants a confession, there's someone who doesn't want to pay to let these guys live out 60-70 years of 3 hots and a cot on our dime...
  9. You joke, but an elbow is probably all he had from that position... Seriously, though... You can't defend from that position. It's too late. If you fight back you are going to get hurt. It's a split-second judgement call on if the guy is going to hurt you anyway, where you might as well fight back because you have nothing to lose... or is her just being an asshole and he'll not hurt you if you comply. It's a horrible position to put someone in.
  10. It was reported that he had explosives strapped to him, such as a suicide vest or similar. It may have partially detonated.
  11. Any response would create a threat to the whackjob officer and could make him pull the trigger. Grabbing the gun, producing your own weapon, hitting the gas etc. He did the only thing he could, become compliant. It's a little late to start thinking about self defense when you have a gun nuzzled up against your temple.
  12. http://www.11alive.com/news/article/288918/40/Cop-in-slow-McDonalds-line-accused-of-aiming-gun-at-customer-ahead-of-himg I know I keep saying "innocent until proven guilty" but when the act is caught on video then he'll need a DAMN good defense to get out of this...
  13. What is Chechen for "pew pew pew"? More importantly, what is Chechen for; "Please leave my poor tattered bunghole alone for at least 2 minutes, my large american cellmate."
  14. What did the 5 toes say to the face?
  15. He has another brother named Zaur?
  16. Within the next month 2700 people will die on the roads. Ooooooeeeeoooooo!
  17. He was trying to kick the light. Not in those pant. Or with that form. Or with that physique. Your average nartial arts student with a decent roundhouse/turning kick is going to be able to kick slightly above their own head level. Very few people can kick 18" above their own head, and I'll go out on a limb and assert that none of them can do it it skin tight jeans. EDIT: I'll give him props, he got petty close in his first attempt... He needs to remember to point his knee at his target.
  18. But I don't recall an attacks against the US...
  19. Lots of interesting theories out there, none with any shred of credibility yet.
  20. On the snow? Looks like he can ride that puppy right across Alum Creek Lake.
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