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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. Agreed. Deadly force meets deadly force. You are not required to give the bad guy a sporting chance by using only just enough force to keep yourself alive. Any bad guy that threatens serious bodily harm or death to you or yours, and that guy gets stopped, by fair means or foul. If your chosen method sends him on to explain himself to his maker then so be it. "Shoot his leg" or "shoot the gun out his hand" is hollywood bollocks.
  2. I agree it is not ideal. I carry it as a backup or less lethal option while I'm CCW'ing. I carry it alone in places where I can't take my P226. No you don't get it. Part of claiming to be a "law abiding gun owner" means not committing felonies. If you want to carry in a state mandated CPZ then that's your business. Don't assume that people who want to remain in compliance with the laws are anti gun. How many anti-gun folks would give speeches at the Ohio statehouse in support of expanded CCW rights? I've done that. More than once. My speech was cited by the sponsor of the first amendment of CCW as being part of the reason he eliminated the "Citizens only" provision of the legislation. (the other part of the reason being another Brit who gave a speech that echoed mine). I have played my part in the pro-gun legislative process and know for a fact that my efforts have contributed in a demonstrable way to the liberalization of CCW rules. I have several guns and I CCW and have to scary black rifles that I use for home defense. I'm not scared of guns - never have been, never since being first trained in small arms handling by the military a quarter of a century ago. Yet despite this, you still maintain that I don't get it. I put it to you, sir, that is is YOU that doesn't "get it".
  3. After tasing someone you run away, leaving the taser on the ground, still connected. The C2 has a 30 second cycle. Your criticisms are based upon the LE model with it's 5 second cycle.
  4. The taser comes with practice cartridges. It has a laser sight for the top dart and the lower dart hits one inch per foot lower. I've fired the supplied metallic target for training. Haven't hit a person but then I haven't sprayed, cut or shot anyone either.
  5. The "choose your own stats" video is flawed. It compares us violent crime stats with uk, but the classifications are very different. The us classification covers homicide, aggravated assault, robbery and rape. The uk numbers he uses don't include robbery and rape, but DO include simple assault (slap in the face) that the US number don't. When you do an apples to apples comparison, it works out that the uk violent crime rate is ~730/100k. This is 2x the us rate, not 3.5x The underlying point is valid, but be ready for the obvious criticism of the numbers he uses.
  6. I'm talking cpz's in general, not just churches. Good luck asking permission to carry in a school or daycare. I love you too.
  7. The taser can be used in drive-stun mode. I believe people should be proficient with multiple weapons. Otherwise you wind up with Zimmerman Syndrome - when your only means of defense is a deadly weapon, even if the threat is not necessarily deadly.
  8. Elbows are the most powerful weapon known to man. If any one of those church members had a Taser C2 they could have ended that right there.
  9. A gun is not your only choice for self defense, so if you must enter a cpz you can still be protected and legal.
  10. Maybe there is a fear that ammo is next. They're always introducing legislation to tax bullets. One proposal put a 10,000% tax on bullets. They never pass. Maybe one day they will?
  11. That's your choice. Just be aware that the law is strict and all it would take would be for you to print, have your shirt hang up on the IWB or other , or say; "Hey, Bob, wanna see the new Glock I just bought?" and you could have someone call the police, who could arrest and charge you with a felony 3. The sentencing range is 9 months to 3 years with a optional gun specification of an additional year.
  12. His choice of victim could have been random, intentional, hate crime, soft target, proximity-based or any number of reasons. Unless the prosecutors can convice a jury that he chose those victims because of religious bias then they won't get a conviction.
  13. Bank customers are not an enumerated class in the the hate crime laws. I disagree that just because he went into a church that it was automatically a hate crime. You'd have to prove that the curch/christianity is the reason he chose those victims. 2927.12 Ethnic intimidation. (A) No person shall violate section 2903.21, 2903.22, 2909.06, or 2909.07, or division (A)(3), (4), or (5) of section 2917.21 of the Revised Code by reason of the race, color, religion, or national origin of another person or group of persons. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of ethnic intimidation. Ethnic intimidation is an offense of the next higher degree than the offense the commission of which is a necessary element of ethnic intimidation. Effective Date: 03-19-1987
  14. It's stupid, yes. State mandated CPZ are a stupid concept from the beginning.
  15. A church is considered to be the same as a school or courthouse. Carrying in a state CPZ is treated as carrying without a license. Carring a loaded gun without a license is a felony 3 under Ohio Revised Code s. 2923.12(G)(1) If you read the law differently than me then I'm open to discussion.
  16. Correct - daycares don't have the option of giving permission.
  17. ORC 2923.126 (B)(6): http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2923.126 You need to ask permission. It is a felony otherwise.
  18. And if this is how you talk to people who are pro gun then it is people like you who are going to get us completely banned. My scary black rifles are legal and I'd like to keep it that way. If that means helping find a real solution that preserves the 2a intact then so be it. Trench warfare is not a wnning strategy. (If you refuse to argue, then what are you doing right now? Arguing in your spare time? ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQFKtI6gn9Y
  19. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/50350330/ns/local_news-chicago_il/#.UOUg_2_okok This is just a committee, the ban would have to be voted on in the house and senate, and even if enacted should not survive a supreme court challenge...
  20. Don't think I didn't notice you skulk off into your corner when I destroyed your argument on 922r compliance, bub.
  21. By default it is a state mandated CPZ, unless you have permission.
  22. http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2013/01/02/columbus-church-service-threatened-with-knife.html A man walked into the Total Life Ministries on East 5th Avenue early New Year's Day and threatened the congregation with a knife. This could have ended much differently. Had just one person there been the good guy with the gun they could have stopped him in his tracks.
  23. Gotta do something to get my post count up.
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