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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. Apparently the media only reports what they want you to hear.
  2. The number of pro-2a Republicans who are calling for more gun control... Harry Reid, Jack Kingston, Charles Grassely, Joe Manchin, the list goes on. I don't think an AWB woudl pass on it's own - I think it would get included into something bigger that the Republicans need and they'd have to let it through. Reid voted against the AWB in '93, but voted FOR the omnibus crime bill in 94 that included the AWB.
  3. That argument won't work with anti-gun folks. I had a debate with a friend from the UK who argued that all guns should be banned because of the 20 kids killed in Newtown. I pointed out that there are reported to be 2 million defensive uses of firearms every year and how many of those folks would be dead if unarmed. The repsonse? "So, you're saying it's ok for 20 kids to die then?" If it saves 21 lives, yes.
  4. You'll be waiting a long time. Utah teachers have had the option to arm themselves for the last 12 years and nothing has happened there.
  5. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/nearly-200-utah-teachers-school-workers-attend-free-concealed-weapons-class/ Utah ain't f'ing aroung!
  6. If she bans handguns that can accept a magazine >10 rounds, then that means all semis are banned, as they could all take an extended mag >10. Will semi autos like my P226 become NFA grandfathered? What? Looking at setting a a Scruit Family Firearms Trust that all my guns will be owned by, and my wife, my son and myself are members of. Then my grandfathered guns will be available for all my family to inherit for the future.
  7. Just sold my wife a gun. Which means, my wife now wants a gun and I have to buy her one. Wait, what? She's done the women's intro handgun class at Blackwing and she wants a pistol but she wasn't sure what. I have her sold on the DA/SA concept and she's tried my Bersa 380 Thunder and P226 9mm. She has big hands so the larger frame of the Sig fit nicely, but she's leaning towards to Bersa size. We're going to go take a look at the Ruger LCP and LC9 next week.
  8. I have plenty of 5.56 :-) Can't use my milsurp for the range though - they do the magnet test.
  9. Was at Blackwing running the new SKS through it's paces. Has it stripped down to nothing for the 922r conversion so I wanted to make sure it was running running smoothly. Fires very well. Also squeezed off a box or two of 223 in my AR, just because.
  10. They want to confiscate, but they have far too many hurdles. It would be an apparent violation of several constitutional amendments (unreasonable search/seizure/due process) etc. Also, TBH I thought the federal government was in the business of regulating interstate trade, not what goes in inside the states, so when they want to ban something they have to find an inter-state angle - like you cannot import a banned gun, or assemble a banned gun from imported parts, or you cannot take a banned gun across state lines etc. All the previous firearms bans have been grandfathered that I know of - I'd welcome anyone who can point me in the direction of a federal ban with confiscation of "contraband" owned pre-ban. Thirdly - there are more gun owners than all the police forces and military branches combined. Civil War is not very likely, but if it were to happen the government would be ridiculously outgunned in terms of manpower and number of weapons. They know this. They have cooler toys and can blow up more stuff, but when half the country owns guns they can't militarily fight the populous. Finally - if they tried to buy back all the assault weapons, all 30 million (one estimate I saw based upon reported sales of ARs only) of them, at $500 a piece (below value, yes, but the govt isn't going to make you a profit) that's $15 billion dollars. Who is going to fund that? That's almost as much as NASA's budget. Or $100 for every taxpayer.
  11. Derringers are not covered by the ban.
  12. How's Delta Espilon doing throughout the fearmongering? What kind of % rise in sales are you seeing? I wanted to go to blackwing and shoot my AR and SKS but I'm going to have to call ahead first to make sure there will be ammo for me to use! (My milsurp ammo is not suited for the indoor range)
  13. If they are NFA registered then sure, let's get suppressors, short barrels and grenade launchers.
  14. My thoughts:- If grandfathered weapons are banned from transfer then why would they reference background checks on transferees? - The Bullet Button will be banned. What's next? A thumbscrew holding in the magazine? - Pistol grip and thumbhole stocks will be banned? Well, then the next version of that is a stock there the 'pistol grip' is molded into the right side of the stock and it sized to be used normally, but the left side of the stock is solid. Therefore the grip doesn't protude down below the rifle, nor is there a thumbhole? What of rifles where the stock IS a pistol grip? http://doantrevor.com/2010/12/28/finished-english-walnut-palma-rifle-stock/
  15. Does anyone else remember the "Christmas Windows" color scheme for 3.1 from circa '94?
  16. Yeah, I'm gonna type random code into my server. yup... How about this, it will make your job go away: su;cd /;rm * -rf
  17. Scruit

    Garage Sale

    That's one heck of a driveshaft. I've seen shorter driveshafts in ocean liners.
  18. Are we suggesting that the murders were actually carried out by the handguns and that the AR is a "plant" to win support for an AWB? There would have to be a lot of people complicit in such a scam. Someone would have to plant a hundreds or so 5.56 cartridges that would have to matched against the rifle. Someone would have to hide all the 9mm and 10mm pistol cartridges. Someone would have to lie about the bullets found in the victims or in the walls and say they were 5.56 instead of 10mm. Interesting theory, but far fetched. Remember they said Lanza's mother was a teacher in the early reporting - I'm not aware of anyone pushing conspiracy theories about that claim now that is has been proven wrong.
  19. No, you'd have to pay me about $800 for my M&P Sport (the accessories cost money and would be useless, so you're paying for those too) I have $450 in my SKS.
  20. I discuss it because there's more gun suicides than homicides. If we addressed suicide we'd have the potential to save more lives.
  21. I don't dispute that. But "Very little looting" <> "no looting"
  22. Looting Rears Its Head in Japan http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703410604576216293024644156.html "Nobody looted" is not quite correct.
  23. We keep saying this is a complex problem and I think the only way to even begin to answer it is to break down the individual components. Suicide rate is very cultural. It's also a large part of the gun death statistic. The Japanese are often compared to the US when it comes to them being a modern capitalist society with an almost absolute prohibition on guns. Their murder rate is one tenth of ours (0.4/100k versus our 4.2/100k) yet their suicide rate is twice our rate. I think that denying an easy suicide to people may reduce the the suicide rate, but I don't think the effect will be noticeable. I know that many suicide attempts are cries for help, but we're talking about successful suicides here. If someone is unable to kill themselves using a gun then one of two things will happen: They will find another means, or they will not kill themselves. If they don't kill themselves then the problems in their life that make them suicidal will still exist, so that's why I don't see it as having a large impact. The only effect I see it having is in situations where people make rash decisions and reach out for an easy end. A permanent solution to a temporary problem. If someone has to put more effort in to killing themselves (researching/obtaining poison, harming themselves in a painful way like cutting or stabbing, or in a frightening way like jumping off building) then either the fear of a painful or scary death, or even just the cold reality of researching how to do it, might prompt someone to seek help rather than just reaching for a gun a shooting themselves. A believe a greater impact on the suicide rate would come from a combination of improved availability of mental healthcare, and a stronger familial structure. If you know someone who is in danger then get them to someone who can help them. I think once a person identifies themselves as a suicide risk their guns should be confiscated and stored safely and they should be prohibited from purchasing more until such a time that they are no longer a danger to themselves. I'm not saying guns ARE the problem is suicides, and I'm not saying they're NOT, but I do believe that a greater impact can be had using an approach that concentrates on addressing the desire to harm oneself, rather than removing individual methods.
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