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Everything posted by drc32-0

  1. That tactic has been around for a long time...it might go back as far as the Reagan administration.
  2. Again...you're welcome.I'm not one of those petty fucks that piss and moan about what other working people make.I'm glad you like your bennies and situation.It's a good feeling ain't it?
  3. No nipple rubbing here,but feel free if that's your thing. Good night...I have to get up early to help pay my share of Obamacare to help my fellow Americans.
  4. John Kasich a liberal commie politician?That's an insult to both liberals and commies,but shitty does seem appropriate.
  5. A lot of truth to that...I wish things could change on a dime,but it takes a long time to recover from that kind of economic devastation.How long did it take for the economy to recover after the Great Depression ?
  6. Lol that's what happens when you get an FJR.That sounds exactly like I did when I got my 2004 FJR.
  7. My definition of"in the shitter" is the worst recession since the Great Depression.I'm sure that recession and two unfunded wars didn't add to that 18 trillion total,nor did the offshoring of 30 million jobs during the Clinton and Bush administrations.It's all Obama's fault.
  8. Ten stores?Talk about selective and misleading.Sounds a little like not seeing the forest for the trees.If you want to judge by a different set of trees,come out and stand by the intersection of I77 and SR78 in the morning.Up I till about four years ago you would see about 20 cars an hour heading east on 78,now it's hundreds.These are very good paying jobs,not strip mall minimum wage jobs.
  9. We share a lot of the same after work roads when I get a chance to ride the bike...I usually carpool.Have you ever rode Dalzell or Germantown roads?
  10. You do seem a little confused,since most of what you posted has not been posted here.
  11. Yep, that's what it says on paper...are you willing to give me a hundred dollars for every U.S. citizen killed by U.S. Forces throughout our history,or is it only a problem if it happens on Obama's watch?
  12. I've voted Democrate,Independent and Republican in past elections.You know what they say about assuming,but that's some purty grammar you have there!
  13. ...and if you have read any of my past post in other politic debates,I am nearly always against sending our volunteer service people to war.Until the whole country gets some skin in the game through taxes and the draft, I think we should stay at home.
  14. You're right...but remember Obama didn't open this Pandora's box...Bush de-stabilized the whole region when killed Saddam Hussein.Obama's dealing with the inherited problem.
  15. Strain out a nat and swallow a camel.I'm sure the folks that sold you those two wars and of the rest of Bush's bs used perfect grammar.
  16. Right...well,I support Obama's use of drone strikes...even if it involves U.S. citizens if they choose to aid the enemy.I'm sure you remember the "enemies both foreign and domestic " part of the oath when you served.Drones are more cost efficient,overall less casualties and your not putting young volunteer American lives at risk. Drone strikes,small teams of highly trained pros like seals and arming the locals that are willing to resist.I agree with these tactics opposed to the costly failures,both in lives and money,of the last administration.
  17. Really?What unfunded wars did Clinton or Obama start?
  18. I was just reading an interview with David McCullough on his upcoming book about the Wright brother and came across a quote from Wilber Wright that made me think of Mother's Day. When asked for advice on how to succeed Wilber responded,"Pick a good father and mother,and begin life in Ohio." Enjoy your day moms,maybe even get out for a ride.
  19. Yo dude....I don't need the conservo-nazi media to tell me what to think like some folks do,I just judge by what I see.I have opportunities to work in several states,gas is low,less soilders dying,less people dying from terrorism at home,the stock market is on the rise and jobs are on the rise to the tune of around 233,000 last month. Simply put,if Romney would have won the election and the country was in the exact same condition that it is in now,all of the conservo-nazi's would be crowing about how Mitt saved the country from Obama. Even a blind man knows when the sun is shining...enjoy!Dude.
  20. You're welcome.Not a problem...unless Obama dumps the economy in the shitter like the village idiot from Texas and his coward chicken hawk vp did.
  21. ... fuck the whole country and the rest of the world to help the 1%.It's the republican way.
  22. My insurance stayed the same and I had the best year ever financially. Thank you president Obama!!!Your the best.
  23. Did you ride 145 south of 78?That's a good ride.
  24. 78 is also under construction east of 83 in the Rainersville (sic) area...it's ground down waiting for pavement.
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