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Everything posted by drc32-0

  1. Did you lay it down on it's right side?Maybe the brake lever got tweeked?Check that and the brake lines...not pinched or binding.
  2. Go a little farther east...691 and 356 are in very good condition and clean...at least last weekend.
  3. Were you riding with guys from the FJR Ramble?I was going to try to look for you,but I ran out of time.
  4. Of the roads you mentioned I've been on 255,260,565,800 and 536.255 and 260 were in decent condition,maybe a 6 on a 1-10 scale.565 and 800 south of 255 are in good condition.536 sucks,I won't be riding it until it's paved.
  5. Yea,those advertising campaigns have worked so well for not texting and driving.
  6. Thank you for serving!!! Welcome to Ohio.I hope you enjoy your time in the buckeye state.If you get a chance head over here to southeastern Ohio to check out some of the best roads.If you're into hiking and out door activities the Hocking Hills is worth a weekend stay...especially in the fall.
  7. I was looking at the upcoming construction season on ODOT's site and I saw where 78 from Nelsonville to McConnelsville is going to be paved this summer.I just called the Morgan county garage and they said that it is going to be paved but it hasn't been "sold" yet,so it will be later in the year. This is great news for those of us that ride the western part of SEO!IMO this is the best part of 78 and it cuts right through other great roads that have been paved recently such as 669,377,685 and 37.Also,you can easily link it to other good roads like 792,676,550 and the lower section of 555...all in good to great condition.The very bottom of 555,from Decauter to Little Hocking,is also slated for paving this year. I also just called the Washington county garage and found out that they are paving one of my favorite county roads this year...asphalt,not chipsealed!!!
  8. I'm all for more freedoms,but I lean towards Ohio doesn't need lane splitting.More people will be killed and hurt than what the law is worth.I live out here in Hillbilly heaven and we damn sure don't need lane splitting out here and that would goes for probably 95% of Ohio.The other 5% would only need it for limited times during the day,and then it would be more of a nicety than a necessity. California has it for a reason....spend about a week commuting in the Bay Area and you'll understand why they need a lane splitting law.
  9. I've been pulled over 5 or 6 times while on the bike...never ticketed.Three things probably helped...1)I have a CDL,2)insurance,registration and drivers license are up to date and easily located and 3)I show the officer respect.
  10. Get yourself a Delorme Atlas and go check out all the squiggley lines.Some will be gravel,but you'll also find some gems that few riders know about.
  11. Vote Democrate maybe.HeHeHe
  12. Who are these innocent people that President Obama are allowing to die?And who are the other casualties that he caused?If you're talking about foreign conflicts that he choose to stay out of,I applaud him,it's long past time that we quit playing international policeman and moral judge.We are broke!Both financially and morally.Let someone else pick up the tab and supply the young men for these conflicts.It's their country,let them fix it.From past experiences,when we get involved we just fuck it up worse.Before all of you conservatives get your panties in a twist thinking...but if we don't do it the mean old socialist will take over.News flash...the mean old socialist are already taking over and we gave them their strenght by sending our manufacturing base over there. Yes, I do know that Bush didn't go into Iraq by executive order.I also know that congressman Obama voted against the war...one the few that knew that it was a bad idea.Another reason I voted for him. Of course people not voting like an ignorant idiot would help.If your old enough to have a son in the Army you've seen a few elections.From the elections you've seen how many people that got elected did what they said they would do?I'm betting real close to none.So,if you vote for someone based on what they say during a campaign,and past experience has repeatedly shown that campaign rehtoric is just lies,aren't you voting like an ignorant idiot by basing your vote on campaigns that are a bunch of lies? How would I make it better if I was in a position to do so?The whole election process would be 90 days long,one member from each party up to 10 parties would get say $30 million dollars from the government to run their campaign ...NO outside money . And there would be a 2 week open season on lobbyist and political talk show hosts.
  13. I'm not a fan of any politician.I can't believe people even listen to their champaign rehtoric.They just say whatever the latest poll result tells them that the people want to hear.If you're over about 25 and still believe what a politician says your naive at best.
  14. I am a fan of a president that keeps our casualties as low as possible.
  15. That sounds like a Bill O'reilly answer when he has no facts.
  16. Treasonous in what manner?
  17. I want an illegal Mexican/South American or socialist Chinese person for president...if it's good enough for the blue collar jobs,it's good enough for the white collar jobs.
  18. If you want something a little unusual stop at Gilchrist convenience store at the junction of 377 and 550.You can get gas there,it's also like an old time head shop.
  19. No, the N... and then white guy in the next sentence tends toward racism.
  20. At least this guy has the balls to admit that racism is the reason he hates Obama.Most haters make up some other excuse...at least in public.
  21. Maybe she'll start a war in the Middle East that kills over 6000 Americans,further destabilizes the region and adds trillions of dollars to the national debt and then we find out that it was all based on lies.No,nobody could possibly get away with something like that. That's the beauty of the two party system...you can always blame the other guy.
  22. Oh,I just remembered...you might want to lock all you're guns up around the middle of February too...or just take a vacation back to California. Welcome to the buckeye state...be sure to get over here to southeast Ohio or down in Kentucky...that's where the good riding is.
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