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Everything posted by drc32-0
A local story about one of these wealthy sperm recipients that think they can run a company...research the Longaberger company.You won't believe me so research it yourself.But here's the short story...daddy starts and builds a Fortune 500 company, daddy dies from cancer,college educated daughter Tami takes over,ten years latter company is bankrupted and sold.Daughter walks away with tens of millions of dollars,taxpayer left holding the bag for delinquent taxes on top of all the corporate welfare in the past.But damn it. It 's that black single mother that is jobbing the system...getto rat!!!
No a business doesn't run itself,that's what you hire people for.So you can go fall of some mountain.At least we don't have to support that Walton with our taxes any more.
Oh, and you forgot the welfare in the form of tax abatements for creating those great jobs.
Of course that's all true,but it's the poor folks free iPhone that is bankrupting the country.Lazy bastards!!!
The Walton family...a great example of the hard working successful billionaire class.Their greatest achievement in life was being a successful man's sperm.Kind of like the last three republican presidential nominees.At least Obama worked and became successful by his own achievements,it wasn't handed to him at birth.
Odd that you would quote this Nazi era quote when you are one of the folks ranting about socialism.Any one that's been around this site for very long knows the prevailing sentiment about unions.Only the Jews stand between you and the facist.I hope it works out better for you than it did for the good people of Germany.
Yes I'm in a union.That's why you don't see me on here pissing and moaning labout paying taxes like some people.I'm pretty happy with my life. I really don't care about the amount of taxes I pay,I 'd rather see them go to the poor than some war that only destabilizes a region.
I'm good with two weeks.I'll just jump on someone's private jet and head to someone else's digs.I don't care if I ever get that bike back.Socialism rocks!Capitalism is for suckers.
You know the more Ithink about it I the more I like your idea.Everybody that wants to use my bike can and then I can use other people's shit.Just let folks use my bike and I can use people's beach houses,mountain retreat,private jets ,expensive sports cars,etc,etc.Damn I like this socialism idea.Capitalism sucks, I only get to use my stuff.Thanks for letting me know the joys of socialism.
Our system is now based on quasi-capitalism.We use socialist labor when ever we can.
You're joking right?I f you can't understand the point of my last post we're just wasting our time.I've got better things to do, this liberal has to get up at 4:45 to start my ten hour day...you know how us libs like our freebies.
You might want to go back and re-read my posts.I never said they don't pay more, I said they should pay more, much more.Keep playing with numbers.My point is if the middle class and poor bare the burden of casualties and the rich refuse to,they should pay for the lions share of supporting the military that protects their assets.
As I said in my previous post...when they start burying their kids I'll listen to their sacrifice.Money compared to kids is truely rediculous.
Conscription might be one of the best things we could do to bring this very fractured country together.All races, religions and social classes living and working together on a equal footing could teach a lot of people a lot of things they need to know.Besides, with all of the young men growing up with out a man in the house it might teach them some good life skills.And some of the pampered little boys might learn something about real sacrifice.
Same as they hate socialism,until they can save money on a socialist made product. Then they're happy as hell to support socialism. They only dislike socialism when it comes to helping someone else. Hypocrites!!!
There's another reason I think the rich should be taxed harder...they don't fight our wars.The poor and workng class fight the wars that protect the rich folks assets.Until the rich start serving and filling some body bags they should pay more for the protection of our country.They want to talk about sacrifice...I'll start listening when they bury their kids like over 6000 poor and working class families have done since 9/11.
About every three or four months OR has one of these winey ass tax threads and no one ever seems to get to the root cause...the off shoring of the Amercan manufacturing base during the eighties and nineties.That gutted the middle class and the American tax base at the same time.The same winey ass people that cried about union workers making too much back then are the same folks crying about taxes now.Who did you think would pick up the tax burden when all those good jobs went to socialist China?You got what you wanted,go to Walmart and buy your socialist made shit,pay your taxes and be happy.
This guy doesn't seem to think so and he should know. http://money.cnn.com/2013/03/04/news/economy/buffett-secretary-taxes/
Plaque...what a difference one letter makes.
Of your two routes I like the second one best, but you are missing some of the best stuff.217 from 141 to either Greasy Ridge or 775 is a very twisty/tricky road with new pavement last year.There are a couple of switchbacks on that section that are as tight as you're going to find in Ohio.These are what I call cartoon corners.Remember the old loony toon mountain chases where their front paws are gripping the mountain road and their rear paws were spinning in the air?Yeah,that kind of turn!217 from 218 to 7(Miller) is a very twisty section in the same league as 530 or 536.It's only about 5 miles so I usually do an out and back to Miller and then continue on 218 or 775.The pavement is getting a little rough on that part of 217,but if you like the tight twisty stuff you'll like it.The best part of 218 is south of Mercerville.The road surface is a little suspect...I'm not sure if it's good chipseal or pavement but it's not the most confidence inspiring.Very twisty but I'm always a little cautious when I run this area. Here's route I usually run in that area... from 135... 141e 775s Hannon Trace se 790 sw? 775s 141sw 217e to Miller 217w 218 n to 7 This is just my preferred route and it does leave out some good stuff on 775,141,236 and Greasy Ridge. One other thing... if you do ride 217 until it crosses Greasy Ridge you will notice a Vietnam Era artillery piece. This is the Danny Hayes Memorial.217 is the Danny Hayes memorial highway.I highly recommend stopping and reading the plague about Danny Hayes.We sometimes use the word hero pretty cheaply,Danny Hayes is the real deal!
Thanks Doc.I'm a sucker for good pavement conditions so my favorite routes or loops are changing year to year based on what roads ODOT and the counties pave.I never get tired of riding SEO because every year my favorite routes change.Also,I take long breaks away from Ohio,I'm in California now until about October.I'm in Santa Rosa so Highway 1,36,Skaggs Valley and Northern California is my playground this fall.
I might have been the one who posted those roads,they are all favorites of mine.As for conditions...I was down there early this year ...217 from 141 to Greasy Ridge was paved last year and still very good.217 from Greasy Ridge to 7 is older and getting a little rough.I would still run it though because 217 from 218 to 7 is one of the four twistyest roads I know in SEO.From what I remember 218,141 and 790 where all in very good condition although 790 was very dirty for some reason.I hope it's clean for your trip because it is a very good road. Two county roads in that area worth trying ...Hannon Trace from 775 to 790 is very good.You can pick it up on 790 about a mile from 218. Greasy Ridge road is a fun tight sweeper road.It parallels 775 and crosses it two or three times.The bottom part was paved last year but the top part is still older pavement, but still fun. Sadly the best part of 775,Wilgus to Lecta,is full of tar snakes.
We've had this discussion before,Ohio doesn't need lane splitting.It would not be worth the lives that would be lost. I'm currently in the North Bay and I rode up from the South Bay last week,California traffic is a whole different ballgame than Ohio.
I wonder what forum that could be.Are you considering YFO?Now that will be an Epic ride. I rode Ebberts pass and Moniter Pass yesterday.