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Everything posted by drc32-0

  1. Lol I'll be riding my new FJ09 so the pace might be a little relaxed. I only have about 200 miles on ot so far.
  2. A lot of good stuff in very good condition in SEO right now,it really depends on how far you want to slab to it.536,556 should be finished paving now.If you're going that far east you might want to include 147 and 9 also. If you want to stay more to the west get off in Zanesville and head down 555 towards 78 and do some of that ride that Jacob mentioned that includes 78,377,550 and maybe 676.676 drops you off kind of close to a couple good Washington county roads...Dalzell and Germaintown. I'll probably be out and about tomorrow if you don't mind riding with old farts.
  3. ^^^. Now that's some funny shit right there!
  4. I've lived off of an FJR for three months carrying a full camping set up and enough hand tools to work as an industrial electrician.The only added storage was a large dry bag.The FJR works pretty well as a pack mule.
  5. I've led a few FJR rides on these roads in the last year or so.We had a guy on a ST1300 go down hard on 658...several broken ribs and vertebra.The only crash we've ever had on a ride I routed and led...pretty shitty feeling having someone crash bad on a ride you set up.I was talking to the property owner as the wrecker loaded the bike on his flatbed and he said there has been at least 14 crashes on that corner in the ten years that he has owned the property.You'll be going the other direction so that turn really won't come into play.
  6. Boy did he just throw you a gem,these two roads in their present condition are far better than 83.Be careful though,658 can be tricky.
  7. Hell is officially freezing over,the republican rag The Columbus Dispatch endorses Clinton. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/editorials/2016/10/09/1-editorial-for-president-trump-unfit-clinton-is-qualified.html
  8. Lol.I spent four years in the military,two years in college and twenty years in construction,there's very little I haven't heard when it comes to crude b.s.I just expect a little more out of my president than being the lowest life form in a construction trailer.He was in his fifties at the time...pretty pathetic. Every time I hear Trump talk I am even more proud of voting for Barack Obama twice.Obama is a mental giant compared to any of the silver spooners the republicans have been nominating for the last twenty years.
  9. ....unless they're flat chested or over weight,then they're not worthy of the great Donald's holy touch,but cheer up maybe the great Donald will give the fat pig a miss housekeeping award.
  10. Line up your daughters conservatives...let em get that presidental touch.This is your man.
  11. You can have the debate,I'll take the justices. As far as dumbasses go...any of the republican nominees except Trump would have beaten Clinton,but the dumbass republicans go with the one loser.
  12. Hey conservo-nazis how do you like your American Hitler now? I'm loving this campaign.How many liberal Supreme Court justices will Hillary get to nominate? Is this the best the party of God can come up with?
  13. Blacktop from Zanesville to Portersville.
  14. I've owned a gen1(04) and a gen3(13) FJR.From my experience I liked the gen1 better than the gen3...less weight and I believe the gearing was more sporty on the gen1's.Gen1s had a valve guide issue that produced a ticking noise that could be fixed even after the warranty had expired.If it was a ticker it would show up around 25k miles.Mine showed up around 35k and a Yamaha fixed it for free.I just traded it for a FJ09...The FJR had 103,000 miles on it.My 13 has just under 60,000 on it now.They are indeed bullet proof bikes.There are dozens with between 100k and. 200k over on the FJR forum.
  15. The only company I've had a claim with was progress back in 2003 when 555 eat my nighthawk.They were very fast and fair.A friend just totaled her car last year and had progress.Again,they were fast and fair.
  16. If you enjoyed the road you did discover something special!Finding a great "new to you" road is a big part of exploring an area.Sure you can have people tell you about the good stuff,but it's much more fun coming across some road you never heard of and finding a hidden gem that few people ride. With that being said I could set you up with a nice twisty route from Zanesville that includes the top part of 555.
  17. That's a big OR faux pas there I- Zapp.All the cool kids around here love to rave about how bad 555 is. I'm with you,especially Zanesville to Ringgold.
  18. drc32-0

    moving house

    You're kidding right? Mountains,the ocean,great riding and a active traditional music scene...N.C.
  19. Congratulations conservo-nazis...you picked the only candidate that Hillary could possibly beat.If she gets elected you did it.
  20. Those Harley's must top out at 41 mph...that's what the small parade was doing that I passed on 555 a couple of weeks ago.
  21. Lol.That sounds a lot like my post in Eastern Ohio Paving Updates.I had a little rant about ODOT's strange scheduling habits. Thanks for the updates.I'm working out of state right now so I don't know when I'll be able to check out the new pavement on 536 and the other roads.I'm going to get out for ride tomorrow but I doubt if I'll get that far east.
  22. Let us know what you find...255 is supposed to get some new pavement also.
  23. You really should get his book. Congratulations on hitting the 100k club.
  24. I hear ya, my commute is what city folks call an epic ride.
  25. Thanks for all the good route and motel info.We're so lucky to have so much good riding so close to home!I've spent quite a bit of time this year in Indiana and also riding cross country through Iowa,Nebraska and eastern Wyoming on my way to and from California.A lot of riders have to go hundreds of miles to get to some good roads...we have them right next door.I 'm glad you guys had a fun weekend hitting some of those great roads. Those bikes look pretty damn good too!
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