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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. you mean any more rules I can't tolerate I probably will for a year or two because if all goes as planned I'll be out of this house by 2016
  2. oh god here we go again with people only want AR's to create a revolution to takeover the government....give it a rest Magdor
  3. I love people who actually get it
  4. I'd be owning the shit out of this if I were a Republican. Although I'm sure there are better ways to do so, I'm kind of digging this "Well we fucked up letting this happen in the first place so lets try to minimize as much $$ damage by being cockblocking assholes"
  5. How is that political spin? IF you ask me that is the same shit they say on a daily basis down both sides of the aisle My point is EVERYTHING any one of those morons in office says is political spin
  6. That doesn't change my feelings
  7. the government can kindly stay the fuck out of who and how many people I ride with
  8. Don't worry he'll fly in on Air Force One and save the day! Probably take out a couple terrorists with his own 2 hands for good measure too!
  9. they can blame whoever they want. The only one going to tell you the truth who is truly responsible is myself LIBTARDS caused all of our fucking problems in the last 6 years. End of Story
  10. Bad324


    you could do it before, I don't have ios7 and woke up to this since Sunday:
  11. I don't think you realize you troll 90% of topics. You just think you're being creative and witty. I however will give props for the picture, I do love me some of that movie
  12. now all this talk is making me re-think actually wanting to get rid of it
  13. and that's what I love about it, though I must say the Helibars make a world of difference. Add in having the seat custom shaped and it took care of both of those issues
  14. put me on the back up list of candidates I just remembered my neighbors also trying to talk me in to being on the damn HOA board so I might end up doing that as well
  15. I'm with IP...I think everyone should get a permanent pink slip and then suck off the teet of Obummercare and this bullshit government dependent society thats been created but these fucking lazy ass, brain dead morons
  16. My own barter king deal haha. I want that damn car!!
  17. I'd be interested. I've run/been on the board of 3 non profits in the past so nothin new to me. I'm also very good at making decisions other people find it hard to make
  18. Bad324

    Ft: 06 Vfr

    Its ok, I'd sell cause its begging to be ridden more and going to you would be a lateral move in that category
  19. Bad324

    Ft: 06 Vfr

    its a secret for only those interested
  20. Bad324


    apple has been on fire with updates. the latest apple tv 6.0 update got pulled for bricking some too
  21. Bad324

    Ft: 06 Vfr

    $7500 was never the OR price so I don't have to move $1000 to sell it thankfully!
  22. I know I'm hungover because I had to read your post 3x to figure out exactly what you were going for
  23. it looks like he was behind a couple cars at the light so running it wasnt an option
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