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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. obviously shotguns aren't needed because nobody uses them to hunt
  2. I'm sure there are some in the party pics from last years Buddy's debacle
  3. thanks for the link but I have a feeling she may know this one. Simply because the first link I clicked on was an opening at her school for a teacher who just quit
  4. I think its early or middle. Shes teaching 4th-6th graders now as a Title 1 teacher. She enjoys doing that and not having just 1 class but the problem lies in the administration being awful but mainly the students are just down right awful and disrespectful. Some of the things they do and say just boggles my mind. Then I realize where it is and the type of family situations they have and I'm not surprised
  5. which is why shes looking for something outside of teaching
  6. oh if we had the capital, already have an excellent food service idea and no its not a burrito cart
  7. My girlfriend needs a new job. Teacher jobs seem to be few and far between and I'm about tired of her working in East Cleveland and being shit on by this charter school. She'd be looking for something full time that is preferably a 9-5 M-F office type job. I have no idea what type of job types she may qualify for with a teaching degree but figured I'd reach out here and see if anyone had leads or ideas. I do know Sales is not something she is willing to do
  8. Definitely weren't there for that. I was too busy trying to catch up to have enough time to stop and take pics
  9. I don't think pauly was there for that last year because I wasn't and I was in Pauly's group all weekend. I would definitely remember that
  10. I wish it was the VFR that slows me down though I will be getting new suspension bits before the season starts to compensate for my fat ass
  11. the point is it wasnt harsh and its not something that hasnt been said before by several other people. honestly, I'm not sure where the convo started or how it went awry or who else was involved so frankly I don't care about that whole situation. I just laugh that people are getting butt hurt over quoted truth. Just because its not all PC and delivered with rainbows and roses everyone wants to cry AND THATS ANOTHER THING WRONG WITH NEW AMERICA
  12. if people think this is harsh, they should probably check between their legs and see where the hell their balls disappeared to
  13. no cause men have logical brains. They are described as waterless due to not needing the addition of water to wash and sterilze your hands like traditional soap requires
  14. Bad324

    That's a dude

    The only one I know is Kate Upton and she is a fine, fine lady
  15. It was 6.99 per box of 20 of MFS Ammo 223 Rem 55gr FMJ
  16. Likwid and I actually made that ride over to Pigeon Forge to meet a friend of mine for lunch one day. Pappy's is the place somewhere on 129 I think right near the NC/GA border.
  17. Bad324

    That's a dude

    not a dude, just a manly woman. Apparently the British are closed off from Easter European types
  18. just ran payroll for my company with the new Federal Tax tables and all I can say is: I HATE LIBTARDS and their gullible voting
  19. son of a bitch is it june yet!?!?!
  20. yes you can. The 500 rds of .223 I ordered from the last week just showed up at my door yesterday
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