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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. I'm bumping this again. Anyone tried anything new lately?
  2. def not a fair trade, mines way better. Not to mention his gf is old news to me, I dated her in high school
  3. Unfortunately its already booked. This was pretty much a trip my buddy and his gf invited us on and my gf wanted to go. I would wait til better weather if I could but they were in charge and I'm just hoping to be lazy eat drink and hot tub all weekend. Thanks everyone for the ideas for back up plans!
  4. Its a weekend with the gf as well as another couple. The only thing I planned on doing was drinking, eating and hot tub action but no doubt my gf will want to get out and do shit
  5. What is there that is a must do, see, eat in the area in February?
  6. hahaha I didn't even know any pictures of me existed that night. Prepared to be disappointed as I'll be sticking to only beers instead of an entire bottle of Captain Morgan AND that damn moonshine That was one of the rare, rare times I've ever been sloppy drunk. Normally I hold it together pretty damn well
  7. its not always the size of the engine but rather the delivery and tune on it. My 800 is cheaper to insure than any of the 600s I had in the past. Each insurance company has different ways of classifying motorcycles so it really depends
  8. hell I'll be 28 when the trip happens and I still feel like the kid of the group
  9. Its a decent song but that whole album is pretty much garbage compared to their first 2 albums. So much so that Adam has left the band and will either be coming out with solo stuff or fronting a new band. As long as he keeps doing music, I'll be happy as he's one of my favorite voices in the biz
  10. Likwids friend? Wonder if its the same dude that bought my 636 years ago
  11. ^^what do you have nowadays? I know I should really upgrade from my Shift jeans to something more protective that is also comfortable. I've got joe rocket mesh pants that seem better but not by much
  12. Sweet! Now all you gotta so is learn to ride it Just messing with ya, excellent pick up!
  13. Bad324

    IMS Cleveland

    if you've never been and need to kill an afternoon then yes. If you're going with the intention of getting a really good deal then not really. I was on the lookout for helmet deals since I'm technically due and the woman is definitely due and I didn't find many deals I couldn't find online all the time
  14. I don't know the ranking of Army very well but I'm assuming a Colonel would be less of a whiny bitch about things, especially a retail store, so I'd like to call bullshit as well
  15. Bad324

    IMS Cleveland

    I can say that the show definitely dashed my GW bagger dreams. That bitch is even bulkier than pictures made it look. The gf fell in love with the Diavel though, shes got expensive taste
  16. No clue yet. I liked last year for the most part since it got us an extra day of riding but it will all depend on what my schedule is like and what not. I was still so drunk/hungover when we left I couldn't do math and figure out whether or not they charged an extra night or not.
  17. lol I'm gonna need a bigger trailer then. My concern is that the LR couldn't handle a big trailer but the towing rating on it is 7500lbs according to the manual We could do 3 bikes on a 6x12 utility trailer ya think? ironically, this is one of the reasons why I kind of don't want it
  18. I enjoy my shift and icon jeans but doubt they will do too well in a get off
  19. Bad324

    IMS Cleveland

    Show was bigger and busier than its been. Just got home from the show
  20. also would share the same cost as it is my company vehicle. The LR is the owners and he gave me first dibs if I'd rather have that than the truck since he is up for a new one and this is paid off and company owned already
  21. like IP, I swapped out the Super Sports I previously had for the VFR and I've never ridden better
  22. Why would I rather keep my 2011 2500HD instead of swapping it out for a 2010 Land Rover LR4 even though the cost would be a grand total of $0
  23. Bad324

    IMS Cleveland

    sweet! Looks like I'm gonna be at the show this afternoon at some point so I'll have to swing by
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