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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. I know someone who offered me their AR for $1200 and when I inquired about it in may he only wanted $900...
  2. at my girlfriends school in E Cleveland its 2 off duty police officers and 1 armed security guard who is ex military. Frankly I'm all in favor for this to be a job creation opportunity for ex military members looking for that kind of work. Can you imagine how great it would be if you had ex military members being the security/guards at schools and then if interested they could then go to school on the side to become a teacher and then they can be that hidden air marshall type teacher. but hey lets just ban guns and make things out to be evil instead of coming up with positive reactions. Reason #5969338 New America sucks
  3. my girlfriends ELEMENTARY school employs 3 off duty armed police officers. The one was starting to get on my nerves hanging around her all the time but then I realized that if something happened he'd be right there to help so I let it slide. Plus his full time job is in a town my Uncle is the mayor soooo 1 phone call and I can get him canned. I put him on notice
  4. i can now add 300 rds of .223 from Cabela's also finally ordered a new holster for my Glock 26 since I've decided to keep it
  5. Kasich did something good? Color me shocked on that one
  6. cliff notes? I've been in meetings and driving all morning so I have no idea whats going on
  7. Well crap I wish I knew this yesterday! Though I don't think I overpaid for the Bushmaster I picked up so I'm not too sad about it
  8. I panic bought a Buhmaster AR-15 Tomorrow I'll try and search for mags and ammo
  9. Also it was brought to my attention that as of 6pm Stonewall had an m&p 15 for $1k
  10. I was at a red light moments away from finally picking up an AR! A bushmaster for under $1k made me happy
  11. I'm just hoping its still there when I get there
  12. That you like most don't actually understand what an AR is
  13. Well I'm currently speeding my ass to the place near my house to get the last Bushmaster they have in stock and its even way less than I was expecting to spend today
  14. hey all you said was that hunting rifles should be allowed and once again using semantics the AR fits the bill
  15. that would be a bolt action if I'm not mistaken, I'm also an Average American Idiot so I could very well be wrong in my understanding since I have little practical experience in hunting
  16. so how do you think a .223 hunting rifle works? Or a .22 hunting rifle for that matter?
  17. my advice....dont take any advice from jcroz my other advice, is get in contact with the person you bought it from
  18. so like most people demonizing the AR, you don't exactly understand how it even works in the first place?
  19. I would if I had one and its legal wherever I decided to hunt but since I'm not familiar with hunting laws in each and every place where hunting is allowed I cannot answer that question The AR-15 shoots the .223 Remington (a sporting round) and .223 Rem is often used for target shooting, varmint hunting, and occasionally deer hunting. The .223 Remington is actually LESS powerful than most deer hunting cartridges. I'm also fairly certain there are certain models of .223 hunting rifles that accept the same mags used in AR's
  20. since an AR is just a glorified hunting rifle anyway, those certainly are ok then!
  21. I still don't understand how rape can feel good for a dude...going in dry is the fucking worst!
  22. my only saving grace is the fact I probably wouldn't end up shooting it until spring which is why I wasn't in a hurry to get one until after the holidays
  23. nah its all good. I'm gonna just run to the 2 places tonight and see what my luck might be. If not I'll wait out the Armslist people to respond
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