The cities themselves are saying "you cant trick or treat on the 31st". The residents then take that as an order and abide because they are dumb and do not care they've just had a freedom of choice hindered upon. The proper protocol should be for the city to sit back and do nothing and let parents and kids trick or treat ON HALLOWEEN at their own risk like it has been for a long time. No coordination is needed in this whatsoever. I am the type of person that finds it a back handed smack in the face by an authority basically saying we are doing this because you're too stupid to make decisions on your own so we will do it for you. That may not be right, but its certainly not wrong because I was bored and needed some entertainment and knew if I bitched about something I could entertain myself and maybe others with some good ol fashion bitching and ranting. Secondly, they are messing up my plans and I hate when people do that and I find this meddling unnecessary. Thirdly, lately I like being the "get off my lawn" clint eastwood type for the lulz