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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. A lot if guys I work with use them and have had nothing but great things to say. After I get my AR ill be putting an order in
  2. Get off my lawn!! oh wait....wrong thread Bienvenidos!
  3. we got wind and rain. Enough wind that I had to ratchet strap down my grill to the deck but everything else appeared to be damage free with only a 15 minute loss of power around 1am
  4. Although I do love this idea, I will end up caving to the demands if Broadview Hts decides to change it but thankfully they have not yet. North Royalton did yesterday and I assumed Brecksville and Broadview would follow as the 3 usually make decisions aligning with the others. My Halloween with the gf's niece and nephew is still on...for now and my bitching is now just for the principle of the matter I suppose
  5. you son of a! haha because it is now a waste of time because once the sheeple hear it they then will follow blindly.
  6. The cities themselves are saying "you cant trick or treat on the 31st". The residents then take that as an order and abide because they are dumb and do not care they've just had a freedom of choice hindered upon. The proper protocol should be for the city to sit back and do nothing and let parents and kids trick or treat ON HALLOWEEN at their own risk like it has been for a long time. No coordination is needed in this whatsoever. I am the type of person that finds it a back handed smack in the face by an authority basically saying we are doing this because you're too stupid to make decisions on your own so we will do it for you. That may not be right, but its certainly not wrong because I was bored and needed some entertainment and knew if I bitched about something I could entertain myself and maybe others with some good ol fashion bitching and ranting. Secondly, they are messing up my plans and I hate when people do that and I find this meddling unnecessary. Thirdly, lately I like being the "get off my lawn" clint eastwood type for the lulz
  7. Unless I'm missing your point, that is what I'm saying. They don't need to step in and handle that. Parents weren't given the chance to handle it themselves like they used to 20 years ago. I'm not really blaming anyone here because if the weather was like last night on Wednesday night the whole point is moot and I'd have zero complaints because it would be a safety issue even I wouldn't argue. I just have a hard time believing the weather will be any worse than any time I've ever been out I'm not turning this into a political thing though and that was not my intention. I just don't approve of being told what to do limiting my freedom of choice. The rest of the sheeple might bow down to it, but I shall not go down without being a loud mouthed pain in someones ass for intruding on my decision making. I could go on and on about how most the general populace is too stupid to make correct decisions on their own and needing someone to do it for them but that is just more opinion with no factual info to back it up or the care to find said facts when I can just apply my superior logic
  8. the only one I know down in that area is East TN riders one and that seemed to be pretty active with NC people from what I saw
  9. BINGO! The decision should be made by the parents and the kids, not the government The only abuse taking place is that of the governments taking away the freedom of choice of parents and children, that is what bothers me the most. The other bothersome thing was they did this 2 days ahead of time when the weather would be at its worst, the forecast for Wednesday evening isn't nearly as bad and we all know weathermen suck at predicting weather more than a few hours before anyhow
  10. Bullshit it was a pot shot and we both know it. I mean I don't really mind it because I know you and how you are so I'd expect nothin less than some devils advocate
  11. I'd rather be fat than a bubble boy parent type
  12. I have a problem with being told what to do by people I feel have no business making that decision for me. I don't know but I get fired up about the weirdest principles which is why I figured I'd ask and see what other people thought.
  13. So cities around here are starting to make the executive decision to cancel trick or treating on Halloween and do it this upcoming weekend This for some reason really pisses off for several reasons. Mainly because I think this is just another factor in the pussification of America. When I was a kid, a little weather never stopped us nor was I ever told by anyone other than my parents I couldn't trick or treat because of silly weather. What say the rest of you OR peoples?
  14. I'm 80% computer and 20% phone
  15. my neck hurt all the time from my Scorpion, promptly upgraded to my Shoei RF-1000 and couldnt be happier. Although next year I'm due for a new lid and I want to try on a Bell Star and see how those are
  16. Bad324

    Beer Pics

    ^^^nice fat tire picture, i know where that was consumed
  17. Bad324

    walking dead

    Dish is your first mistake and that governor dude pisses me off with being a nut job. I'd like to see him have an early demise at the hands of Rick or Daryl
  18. Bad324

    Dpms ar15

    now this is more accurate
  19. Bad324

    Dpms ar15

    Yea I say I want a ton of shit but that doesn't mean I back out if i dont buy it. I wont contact the seller if im not truly going to buy. When I call dibs and have been actively looking for said item, I don't back out
  20. Bad324

    Dpms ar15

    Lulz sorry vultures I won't be backing out. When I say I want something I make it happen. Rarely back out when I have the cash/trade for said something in hand
  21. Bad324

    Dpms ar15

    It's bittersweet because I was about to put off getting an AR again to purchase some stuff for the house but this is too convenient to pass up
  22. Pretty sure 929. I think they switched to the tank fairings on the 954 though I could be mistaken
  23. I like the idea of getting wrecked fairings for cheap and giving it a shot. Hmmm might consider that over the winter if I find some cheap fairings
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