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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. this Admittedly, I bent my Heli-bar last year loading the bike in the enclosed trailer for the first time out of pure stupidity and lack of paying attention
  2. I have to say I half disagree. The original Canyon Dancer I could absolutely see that happening but I've used my Canyon Dancer II a ton of times on several different bikes and haven't run across that issue
  3. que? I've made zero points other than my feelings on the subject in my experiences. So I no comprendo what I'm wrong about? Everyone has their opinion of what they think is right or wrong. I am a person that doesn't give a fuck what other people think and so long as I'm on the right side of the law I will do whatever the fuck I please. Thats what makes America great. Its when people want to start limiting what you can and can not do from a morals stand point is when shit hits the fan. /rant (this isn't directed at you or any one in particular my fellow burrito lover)
  4. take someone with you who knows what they are doing. Unless you were joking about rope and bungees but it appears you're quite new to this so its always helpful to have someone who knows what they are doing to learn from in person in my experiences. There is a thread somewhere from like a month ago where this topic was discussed but I'm too lazy to find it
  5. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would never allow that idea
  6. don't fuck around in my neighborhood or you'll have to deal with me
  7. lol I bought the blu ray about an hour after i ordered the blu ray player
  8. nope its brand new in box at 20% savings...if you dont like the price move along
  9. my sentiments exactly, I'm just not smart enough to put it this well said
  10. it does make sense. But in my situation I won't let it happen again and I'd rather be in the position of this Zimmerman fellow than in the position of not doing something preventative. True to my character, I'd much rather take the risk than let my friends and family having their safety at risk.
  11. unless you wanna trade it for a big man sized brand new A* 2 pc suit lol
  12. i cant thank you enough for living clear across the state from me otherwise I'd be fairly tempted to blow the last of my tax refund on this instead of furniture needs
  13. does this mean you're gonna start bugging me to help you find a bike?
  14. :lol: that was my Charlie Sheen halloween costume! Totally doesn't count!
  15. I probably would have joked too but considering the outcome to a female friend of mine I will not let that happen again. You know were cool and its just a healthy debate but you're young and haven't been around much from what I know. Trust me when I say you would probably change the way you operated if such a traumatic occurence happend to a friend knowing you could've done something to stop it
  16. again I may be against the norm but not once but TWICE had I actually followed a shady looking individual I would've prevented 2 crimes. For that, I will always choose to follow a shady looking individual until I deem it safe
  17. sorry Ben but I'm turning this into a hipster bashing thread
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