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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. its all about the cool factor mannnnn
  2. oh please start an intro thread then voicing your desire to find a back! You will probably get a great response
  3. don't wanna get shot? don't act shady end of this story and all the dumb drama people are making of it. Plus the minute Jesse Jackson and Al Not-So-Sharpton got involved was the minute I took the exact opposite side knowing exactly nothing other than a kid was shot and killed
  4. you do realize those who have moved out of Cleveland are those who never actually populated said ghetto's right? both teams have the same amount of super bowl wins and what did 9-7 get the Bengals last year? A first round playoff exit and lower draft position you're lucky I prefer college ball same, I have nothing against the Reds and root for them however they are just the same as the Indians if not a little worse off for having a slightly more difficult Division to win in oh i know, I'm not mad...just right I quit reading after page 6 so I said screw it and put my own dog into the fight
  5. no just in general its a pet peeve of mine. People don't use their mirrors and it annoys me so much because it would avoid accidents if people were more aware of their surroundings they wouldn't do as dumb of shit in cars. It especially annoys me with riders down in TN and NC when I'm trying to have a good pace and they won't kindly slide the fuck over
  6. on a personal level I disagree with both. I ride with music 90% of the time and I can still hear my engine and cars around me. Albeit not as well but it also helps I'm not a god damn retard and I'm excellent at being aware of my surroundings. For me also, I actually am less distracted with music as it somehow keeps me focused. I have my earbud in at least 6 hours out of my work day as well. I'm definitely against the norm in that sense though
  7. sports aside, the city planning is pretty awful. Its ghetto from downtown all the way out to 275 with some ok areas sprinkled in there. UC is the only redeeming quality about the center of the ghetto sports included...please tell me how great the Bengals and Reds are and while you're at it throw in the professional basketball team that moved and never came back I will argue til I'm blue in the face how shitty Cinci is and still go there 6-7 weekends a year
  8. try living there for 6 years
  9. god damn I love being me as I called it from the beginning. I actually was doing shit all weekend and was away from my computer and wasn't about to try to keep up on my phone. so can you assholes do me a favor and keep these drama threads between 8-4 on weekdays so I can be included. I'm very disappointed I was unable to keep up and be an asshole too oh and also, Cincinnati fucking sucks at all aspects of the universe
  10. Use your mirrors!!! One of my biggest pet peeves in the world. Drivers and riders alike don't know how to use their damn mirrors!
  11. well in that case please ride with both earbuds in
  12. its illegal but sometimes you can get away with saying you just have them shoved in your helmet and not actually in your ears. Its worked for me once
  13. Bienvenidos! Been to Washington, PA far too many times delivering parts to our crews that way. A lot more fun on a bike than in a damn F350
  14. holy shit that look might actually trump the Phoenix and Layla schemes that I love so much!
  15. What exhaust was he running?
  16. Tires and counter steering makes all te difference in the world. Personally I like how it rides better than my cbr's. Just takes practice as its a differnt animal
  17. i do form experience
  18. I work in Massillon too, sometimes bring the bike and ride the area after work...just depends on my mood
  19. how to fix: step 1 - order pilot road 2's step 2 - have hoblick mount step 3 - ride with a confidence you've never had before
  20. i was just in Kent last night and its too far for me
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