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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. its Cleveland and its April....why is everyone surprised? It was ever so slightly a very wet snow here in Massillon and my Mom confirmed in Richfield some actual flakes our puppy was going nuts for
  2. funny enough that was my least enjoyed meal in the 2 trips we did last year. I probably should've went with the trout but then again every BBQ place we found was phenomenal
  3. oh shit yea I forgot to put a time. It will be afternoon indeed
  4. i hate hipsters and their hipster beer! jagr gets a pass since he's been drinking PBR since straight out of the womb
  5. Valley View is as central as it gets for the far west side and east side guys
  6. Since there are so many new people figured why the hell not... When: Sunday April 29th. Meet at 1pm and roll out no later than 2pm Where: Quaker Steak canton What: Hang out, shoot the shit and go ride Who: 1) malaysionnvasion 2) NinjaDoc 3) Bad324 4) Hailwood 5) CrazySkullCrusher 6) Jbot
  7. I'll figure out some dates and set up a poll. Unlike in the past, if I set it up its gonna be here is the date, here is the time this is where we are meeting so come out or not...nothing big
  8. switch and coolant change should take care of it no problem my 05 CBR did the same thing and thats what I was going to do however I sold it for the VFR
  9. you got an extra spot for the woman? I can see if she wants to and make sure I'm not gonna have a fri night softball league. also truth be told, I'm awful at volleyball but I will probably be the champion beer drinker
  10. in due time, I'm sure the Doc is working on something or hell maybe if I feel like it I'll put together a small meet and greet
  11. don't eat anything other than good ol fashioned southern bbq anywhere down there! You'll be doing yourself a disservice
  12. The Bell Star is one I'd definitely like to try on but has to wait until I make a trip to IP. Might give the Scorpion a shot since my first was an exo-400 that I liked until I got my Shoei and now just keep as a back up since its so heavy in comparison
  13. Depends on the kind of ride and weather but mostly I use my Shift jeans. They are better than normal jeans but I'd prefer to not find out how they would hold up in a slide I also have some Joe Rocket Phoenix mesh type pants in which I've yet to wear. These are more an overpant though as I wanna grab some of those Bohn armor shorts for underneath
  14. Welcome! What area of the CLE?
  15. when I was 6 years old I was given a sherriff badge and took an oath from that day forward I would protect and serve the people. I proudly wear it when I'm playing "follow that shady asshole". So yes, that DOES give me the right to do whatever I please in my hood
  16. move your league closer to me and I'd do it. I'm sure I could con the gf into it too
  17. If Fontana ends up being booked solid there is an awesome place Pauly, Likwid and I stayed last June in Robbinsville. Called Dragon's Rest Cabins and I'd say is about 15 mins from Fontana
  18. i lived in the ghetto for 4 years and did not own a gun or CHL and proceeded in the same manner. Its not that I can't fight but I'm lazy and if something can protect me better than my own 2 fists then by god I'm going to use it as a last measure. Same as anything you buy to serve a purpose I've dealt with some shit living down there and saw some things that were a small shock to my suburban ass. I learned not to just stand by idol because you can prevent a lot of crap and pain. I will surely be labeled as an aggressive meddling pussy then ever let the things that happen to 2 friends that could've been prevented had I thought ahead and taken some action
  19. someone charges at me and I draw and say you better stop in your fucking tracks or you're getting 2 to the chest. If they continue to advance then hell yes I'm shooting even if they charge me with a feather
  20. I probably should have mentioned I kept enough distance and cover to not draw attention to myself. I can't fight for shit so I truly keep it on me to protect myself if there were an issue. If anything shady happened I'd probably be labeled a woose by some but I'd probably call the police before intervening myself unless someones life was in danger
  21. Bad324


    Welcome! and in on the ground floor once again
  22. To me I think it depends on the neighborhood. If I'm at my Dad's house in Parma I don't think I'd follow but I'd surely keep an eye out My place here, I would indeed follow and I've done that twice in the 3 years I've lived here. Its a neighborhood where you can pretty much recognize everyone and can tell when someone out of the ordinary is lurking
  23. and turning an easy interaction into a hostile encounter and possibly violent. Therefore you now get to deal with those consequences
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