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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. haha thats funny. Kim at first asked me if you were bringing your GF so she could go and hang out but not ride since shes afraid of it already. Lucky for me she's going to SC with me for a week so I'm double off the hook
  2. I'm always trying to hock my shit to upgrade lol. I've actually had as many trailers as bikes so far. It is indeed a closed one, if Pauly's old ass Subaru with probably a million miles on it could handle then I would think yours would be fine. Its probably more trailer and higher price than you need though anyway
  3. probably too many...this is a sausage fest dont you know. I save the wimminz trip for the fall and the WSBR. Well that is if I'm invited as a prestigious guest again For a brief moment my gf intimated and wanting to go but there is no way this trip would be any fun 2 up for me. Thankfully she planned a trip for the same weekend with her best friend so I'm off the hook for any guilt
  4. finally used it. Cleaned up my dirty ass CBR way cleaner than I thought it could get
  5. 1) no reason to put full coverage on a salvage title IMO. 2) I'll look at that link when I get to the office. That's my neck of the woods
  6. They are black and look nearly new. That bike was never down and on a stand about three times
  7. I'm out. If all goes as planned I'm delivering the CBR Saturday do had to move my plans or that day until Sunday
  8. Found these leftover from my 636. Used about 6 months before I sold it $10
  9. do you have a website you get this shit from?
  10. I'd shy away from this one. I've seen plenty of 03-06 in that price range and in my opinion are far superior
  11. amazing! I cannot wait to find a house and move so I can actually have organized shit. This place I'm living is great minus the lack of storage everywhere
  12. also when I was looking for my first bike...the world of difference from 3k to 4k is crazy. Find a ton of better options at the 4k mark if you can be patient and save up a bit more
  13. In before: these pussies won't ride down or can't pass up a free ride little does he know he will be volunteering a free inspection of the VFR before we go down
  14. i'd prefer damn near half a billion dollars however I wouldn't be too upset if i hit 5 of 6 for 250,000 My house search would immediately come to an end and I could get a Vette and 2 more bikes
  15. Welcome from another happy and satisfied customer as well!
  16. got it thanks! If I decided to go the fix it route I'll give him a call after doing a bit of searching they are like $210 new so I dunno throw me an offer? It weighs a good amount so shipping might be a bit cost prohibitive
  17. So I've got this damage wheel that I got as an extra when I bought the set for my old G35. I sold the car with the 4 and the buyer didn't want it so its just been sitting in my garage. Its been sitting so long I don't even remember what make or model it is Is it worth getting fixed and selling, sell as is or just scrap it?
  18. I'm wondering if he has made no threatening rebuttals since it got moved to ranting and raving and he doesn't have the option to see it?
  19. damnit I finally read it all and this is amazing! I withdraw my epic trolling comment i fucking love OR so much
  20. this HAS to be an epic trolling. No way is any male can be THIS illogical
  21. *Don't ride in front a VROD *When you put your feet down make sure its not in wet leaves *When moving the bike when not on it, be very aware where the balance point is and best place to hold it by and practice on level ground *ALWAYS ALWAYS make sure tire pressure is where it needs to be. Its easier to check and be sure before a ride than having to find out the hard way you need air *In group rides ask a ton of questions if you're noticing things other people are doing. 99% of people here will be happy to oblige and help
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