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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Grow a pair and be a man? I have little to no sympathy for people who need ther hand held through life. This PC stuff can kiss my ass. Don't even get me started on why people wih this attitude think everyone should get a trophy. Well in REAL life there are winners an losers. Pick a side and Deal with it As my Dad ha always told me: if you can't take the heat get out of the fucking fire
  2. I am a giant asshole that can't ride or work on my bike for shit yet most people still love me because I'm awesome and fun to be around. Hell one of the people from the board I ride the most with has a cruiser. I guess difference is he rides the ever living shit out of it like a muscle cruiser is supposed to
  3. this thread is gonna take off and I'm going to be sad to not be on the ball with having to leave the office and needing to work on my bike and grill tonite. But I refer you to these quotes down below: Finally, its not WHAT YOU RIDE that gets you run off...its attitude and how you react to things. If you wanna turn into online macho man with a bad attitude then you're probably not gonna last
  4. soooo anyone looking for a cabin? you can have my reservation and I think I'll head over to Dragon's Rest Cabins away from you crazy people where I can make my burritos in peace
  5. I think I have the 2.0. Got them price matched by Riders Discount for like $70 I think
  6. The 2 pairs of shift jeans I have are ok. If you can afford the draggin I would definitely suggest those more. I picked up some Joe Rocket mesh pants at the end of last year on clearance that I'm gonna pair with some Under Armour and see how that does this year for lighter riding
  7. if its being advertised as a 636 you better look that thing over really well. Sure sign the seller is an idiot
  8. somebody actually buy this so I don't. I don't NEED it but the deal would be too good to pass on
  9. get it back together. Mine will be done this week and I'll be needing places to go next week after work so someone go get this already. I was just gonna get it with the CBR but needless to say thats gone
  10. Bad324

    stupid bugs

    i took one of those mother fuckers to the neck last year and it hurt like a bitch and left a nice bruise too. Then that asshole had the audacity to hang on to one of the lines running to my clutch for a good 10 miles staring at me before we stopped for gas. Needless to say it got flicked off the bike and stomped like a jbot would a puppy with its jaws on the curb
  11. Bad324

    Bump Start

    only had to do it once and it was last April on the way home from the Dyno Day. Knowing me, Pauly just said let me do it so you don't hurt yourself. Its great to be friends with someone so mechanically inclined
  12. bingo! This is exactly why I cannot slab it. I have ADD and it just gets worse on long straight stretches
  13. Bad324

    speedo DRD

    had one on my 05 cbr, LOVED it and was a pretty easy install too. It was the first thing I ever installed on a motorcycle
  14. well sorry guys I am now out, UK won last night and I scored me free lunch, beers and tickets to the Tribe game
  15. I live about 5 mins from there and its part of my usual week night loop. Meadows is ok but the pavement is shitty with tar snakes everywhere and if it rains even a little bit it takes about 2 days before its dry most of the time. I've never had an issue with cops or park rangers and I've been driving/riding road since 01. The other issue is asshole high school kids that think they can drive use it as a personal road course and can't stay in their own damn lane to save their lives. I've only come across this a handful of times and its usually right around when school lets out so you just gotta be cautious South of Brecksville down off Riverview is a few decent roads but again usually the pavement is too shitty to have any real fun. Its usually enough though to get a small fix until the weekend. If you ever want a tour of the area let me know, should have my bike road ready by this weekend
  16. the 05-06 is designed the same way but not as bad I'm told. I had an 05 but never even sat on an 03-04
  17. another check in the column of why engagments and marriages are overrated
  18. this just in: if UK wins the game tonight I will be attending the Indians game courtesy of City Tap Cleveland
  19. Cortech Sport Tail bag for sure. Should be able to find it for around $70. Since I bought mine it hardly ever is off the VFR, love that thing
  20. pr2's are the shit. I've never had more confidence in tires until I put a fresh set of them on last year prior to our 2nd GAP trip Its nice to have another option locally!
  21. as always I'm a maybe. Depends on weather, if I get the bike back together and severity of my hangover lol
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