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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Bad324

    Bullying advice.

    teach him to throw a punch. Give the bully a taste of his own medicine. Make sure son doesnt get ass kicked. Let him get in trouble and high five his ass when he gets home This is what I did and it was literally the only time I ever got in trouble at school my whole life. My mom was sort of pissed but my Dad was proud. Kid never fucked with me again
  2. woah woah woah. I will NOT be associated with that no talent, broke ass clown that resided in Cincinnati and was constantly living up to stereotypes
  3. one can certainly look Penguin-y on a Multi
  4. thats my specialty! I can teach you free of charge
  5. Made a group if people are interested http://tournament.fantasysports.yahoo.com/t1/register/joinprivategroup_assign_team?GID=147228
  6. I'll cut grass and even will spread mulch. Anything else will not happen
  7. are you possibly looking to adopt a slightly older mexican child that doesnt do landscaping?
  8. your wife bought something to further aid in her cleaning....your complaining sure is funny sometimes
  9. i have a REALLY wide foot and these were too narrow for me when I tried them on at IP last year
  10. have no fear I wasn't trying to call you out or anything, just a bit surprised if all these gun toting thugs weren't already privy to it
  11. because where I live is heavily populated. Shit most people don't even know that there is a hardware store in Richfield let alone where it is. Yes, they stock enough sweet killing items for me to be ok. Not to mention the mechanic has a supply. Oh and it also helps I have most of this shit at my work already which is where I would head since I have everything I need here to make a perfect Fort
  12. damn I thought this was common knowledge or already posted here! Its legit, my last 2 guns I bought using the deals listed on it
  13. Bad324

    Beer Pics

    this was pretty damn good and its made in Cinci
  14. as I've said many times, its not a world I would want to live in anyway so the shorter the better but seriously I'm not sure why its so hard to believe. If everyone starts turning to zombies then whats the issue? I'll always have enough ammo to get me from my house to several retail areas where I can loot them lol
  15. $23 if I use a flat rate box from USPS
  16. Bad324


    ive taken a bumble bee to the throat. I tried to punch a bird out of the air once that i thought was going to get me but I missed. Its funny how many people I hear hitting birds yet its damn near impossible to in a cage. Birds are the dumbest creatures
  17. $350 for that? I'll just wait for the apocolypse to happen and then raid my local hardware store for all the same shit
  18. this and this. Clermont County is a shit hole anyway so I doubt its much worse than it already was
  19. Bad324

    walking dead

    Shane was shot in the head though
  20. Bad324


    I'd be afraid to feel your paint then. Would probably make me queasy with how rough it would feel. I used to detail cars on the side back in high school and college so I learned how to be very picky with the look and feel of paint in my vehicles Paint and clearcoat quality has actually diminished in many manufacturers in the last 10 years
  21. Bad324


    I also highly suggest Zymol if you can find it. One of the better OTC waxes I've used over the years
  22. Bad324

    walking dead

    kinda epic and kinda shitty all at once. I like Shane because he is an asshole
  23. if someone buys it this week I'll let it go for $1800 so I don't have to renew the tags for my birthday
  24. I apologize those ate better options than sandals and tennis shoes. Soooo sorry I was trying to inform those who may have not seen such a sale that need boots. Thank you Shitty. Serpent is clearly a native Cincinatian so I'm not shocked by his response. I take zero offense sice I lived in that hell hole of a tri state for 6 years and only go back to get shitfaced and piss on the streets to express how much greater Cleveland is than the 4th largest city in Ohio
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