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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Happy Birthday ya old hag! Hopefully see ya soon and I'll let you handle mah new gun!
  2. Bad324

    Marked "Junk"

    The only experience I have with a junk title and bill of sale was through a buddy of mine and Ohio wouldn't issue him any title even after inspection. I really don't know the exact details other than it was a car he bought out of state so that is the only reason I'd be hesitant personally. He knew the gamble and was gonna make money parting it out if he couldn't put it on the street
  3. damn! hopefully you don't break a hip mounting your speed racing rocket
  4. the Bengals are the worst so +rep Orange is difficult, you're pretty much stuck to Black, White or Blue. And even then too much white or blue will look tacky as hell
  5. but Daaaaaaaaaaaaaad we were having funnnn
  6. yea she placed 2nd in whatever it was she did. I know it had to be Saturday morning as my parents went to see her and they texted me around Noon how she did I think she has bigger pics on her actual website: http://www.kellysfitlifestyle.com/
  7. Bad324

    Marked "Junk"

    salvage and junk are 2 different things
  8. i think the title should read "damn now I need to grow a pair"
  9. well I certainly apologize that you feel that way and you can't understand a little fun with logic I don't think anybody meant any harm and if you can't roll with the fun and logical thought process then I guess thats something you'll just have to deal with. Clearly most women think with emotion before logic anyway so I guess I can't fault you too much
  10. it started as an original 67 GTO my Dad restored, he gave it to me and I had to modify it to fit my personality better. The ghost flames were a painter friends idea and I was surprised by him like Chip Foose surprises rich white people on television
  11. and if were flossing our hood richness, here was my last car
  12. im the fat mexican on the left. That kind african american fellow to my right is not Lil Wayne. Just a friend that looks like him a bit, this was taken in the back room of the Hustler Club so I apologize for the bland background
  13. its moving too fast, im afraid people are gonna miss my sweet biceps pic
  14. its a boring sunday night drinking beer. This is entertaining for most of us I'd imagine. I for one am having a grand old time with this weeks Village Idiot
  15. very true...we can smell you across the internet
  16. no its not context, guy. I know the west side of cbus, there is no ONE race there. Its plenty of different races and walks of life. So race was never involved however mentality of folk is what was referenced
  17. how is that racist? ps...nobody gives a shit you're selling it for more. I do that with my shit all the time yet you notice nobody cares when I do it. Its the fact of the original deal on the car. I don't understand why you don't understand this. I get your point he accepted less but at the same time you've had sob story after sob story and he was doing you a favor. That is what the problem is
  18. yea she is pretty serious about it, its pretty much her career. The better she does in shows the better her business does as a trainer or whatever. The link to the FB is her business
  19. ugh I shouldn't do this but if it helps get my step sister more exposure and recognition then here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kellys-Fit-Lifestyle/134761159910123
  20. i got 4k out of my Pilot Powers on my first cbr and 5k out of whatever came stock on the VFR Hoping my PR2's last about 8-10k that I threw on the VFR last summer
  21. I've always been curious how well those work. I like the idea but since getting the VFR I always have my tailbag and bring the the clear visor if I'm gonna get stuck at night. For the rare instances I get stuck out after dark completely unplanned, I have clear safety glasses from work I throw on and just leave my dark visor up
  22. all i can do is LOL thanks for the entertainment guys, you made my night!
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