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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. at least I think they are a probably a deal http://dealnews.com/AXO-Mens-Striker-Motorcycle-Boots-for-70-free-shipping/556844.html
  2. now you just need to learn to give more details like brand, condition and size
  3. good cause I'm not the biggest fan of Gander Mtn
  4. apparently you don't know him well enough, the beer ARE his children too!
  5. Its 25 minutes of non-highway including going through Parma so my rage levels get to a disgustingly high level plus I'm rarely over on that side of town
  6. alright Mr Big Shot exactly where will it be then? This could be on my way home from work and would make me very happy
  7. Since selling my Fieldsheer 2pc suit I'm possibly in the market for a new perforated leather street jacket. Problem is I'm kind of cheap so I'm looking for suggestions under $250. Need something that flows air well as my fat ass gets hot easily. I'm not opposed to buying used if its in good condition So far all I've found is the Joe Rocket Blaster and Fieldsheer Razor.
  8. Bingo! Everyone that asks me this is exactly what I tell them, you WILL get swindled by a 3rd party leaser. I cannot stand them, they are worse than shady used car salesmen Also another good tip, band together with your neighbors for maximum value as the wells they are drilling now need lots of acreage due to regulations. Once your neighbors start getting swindled or settling, it really puts a damper on negotiating power for yourself
  9. LOL at peoples failed understanding of vending machine physics!
  10. ^^^hell I didn't know there were any gas stations left where you didnt have to pre pay already
  11. OMGZ!?!?! The WORLD IS ENDING and god damnit when are people going to realize the President has ZERO to do with the price of crude oil. Yes he can push an agenda but he can't just say "fuck these people raise the gas prices" and boom its done. And for the most part I super dislike Obama but its ludicrous to put total blame on him
  12. your comedic efforts tonight are awful...why don't you sit the next few plays out Champ
  13. hippies are broke thieves
  14. what is this Occupy OR? GTFO Hippies
  15. ^^^all this. They dont have a choice due to the manufacturers
  16. good call! couple thousand on mine and still look damn near new
  17. please the laziness doesn't cause forgetfulness. Its our medicine that we inhale that makes us forgetful!
  18. I'm not familiar with Dodge truck market but seems like a pretty damn good price!
  19. oh yippee, getting in on the ground floor of whatever bitch fest is bound to come! Hopefully something as awesome as LBTS is born from it
  20. great who invited the rep killa
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