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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. cruel and unusual punishment garbage needs to go away stand the kid up in front of a brick wall at the school and line up the surviving victims and families of deceased victims and give em all shots at the fucker
  2. a man who speaks from experience! I've let him use it a couple times. Though I'm surprised, I didn't think your driveway would be that narrow
  3. I have this same jacket and absolutely love it in the summer and paid 4x more so this is an amazing steal of a deal for a nice mesh jacket
  4. Bad324

    WTB: Ipad 2

    I will 3rd the excellentness of Apple refurb units. My ipod classic is 3 years old and has been used at least 2 hours a day for 3 years and still works nearly flawlessly
  5. i know of an 07 (i think) for sale real cheap up in Cleveland
  6. whys everyone hating on a little hippy lettuce? shit happens, be glad its on an inexpensive bike! Don't know that bondo will work very well, then again don't know what Triumph uses in their plastic
  7. thats a little extreme but still proves my point. Teachers who are afraid of kids are that way because they can't do a damn thing to discipline the little fuckers other than a stern reprimand and maybe a letter to a parent who likely sucks anyway and also isn't gonna do a damn thing to discipline the kid
  8. ok now I understand where you're coming from and yes I absolutely 10000% agree. I guess I just don't mind a teacher carrying as a defense in the case of the rampage kids that just start shooting anyone and everyone
  9. I guess I just don't understand your reasoning. I don't see why just because their profession is teacher they can't be proficient at handling a firearm In the end its probably a moot point as like I said before, I really don't see there ever being a day where schools will allow to teachers to carry
  10. and thats the problem with this fucking society and why guns will never be in teachers hands
  11. while I agree with this if you combine it with proper training I think it would be ok. I don't think anyone is gonna advocate just giving guns to a teacher that doesn't know what they are doing. In the instance of my friend, I'd trust him carrying a gun in a heartbeat because he has been shooting as long as I have and shoots far more often than I. Now my girlfriend on the other hand would be a big ass no because she has zero experience. That is about to change however The other side of this that if kids know the teachers are there and can be a "first line of defense" then I think it could possibly deter these kind of acts. On the other hand, kids like the columbine ones that are gonna kill themselves anyway it clearly wouldn't matter one way or the other as a deterrent factor
  12. no worries...it was more of a rant than a response to anything anyone has said I'm all for teachers carrying but realistically I know it will never happen. Are armed guards a solution to teachers not being able to carry, personally I don't think so. Once again to me it comes down to the accountability of parents and an extreme need for society to change back to some of the old styles of discipline. Its clear that todays measures don't work in my eyes and situations like this just prove it to me more. The broken home argument only goes so far on me since my parents divorced when I was 8 and their marriage wasnt the best to begin with the and the divorce was a 6 year battle of nasty and I seemed to turn out just fine
  13. It kills me to listen on the radio and elsewhere people blaming teachers. The blame lies first and foremost with parenting and secondly in the way society has become. Both my best friend and my girlfriend are teachers and the stories I hear about some of these kids is appalling and there isnt a damn thing the teachers can do to discipline them without fearing losing their jobs or being sued. I could never be a teacher because the way I was raised, a good slap upside the back of the head is what I'd want to do and they need Not to mention this damn culture of wanting to place the blame on every one other than the person actually responsible for committing the act of violence. There is zero personal accountability anymore and its the most ridiculous freaking thing imaginable. It always has to be the fault of someone or something else. I was picked on all the time as a kid as I was a quiet easy target. But guess what, I ignored it and everyone found no fun in it and moved on with the quickness. I'm also way better than most people of my generation and younger so I guess I'm not shocked
  14. Deal! I'll even throw in the gloves at no extra cost!
  15. if you're serious, check with a local suburban PD or FD. When I was going to take my bike to SC, the upscale island my parents rented a house on would not allow me to bring a trailer onto the Island. One of the island PD had a friend at a local suburb PD and they were going to let me keep it there in the parking lot for nothing
  16. honestly I'm also surprised it hasn't. Luckily I'm [patient and it will remain up for sale so long as the one I want is still available
  17. stupid chevy not making the t-5 able to hand the 350, so I picked up an 88 IROC with 305 TPI that was modded enough to be quicker than a 350
  18. NASCAR: a "sport" revolved around driving in circles that only becomes interesting and relevant when they do the opposite of their job...crash
  19. meh NASCAR should realize someone or something doesn't want this race to happen, better yet they don't want NASCAR in general to happen
  20. well at least they gave people something to watch other than left hand turns
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