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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. son of a bitch! to facebook it goes for me as well!
  2. Bad324

    Beer Pics

    I used to hate IPAs and in the last year or so I've really developed a taste and liking of them
  3. Bad324

    Newark lunch?

    it wasn't a good day for me either 400 miles of driving left me in a foul mood
  4. Bad324

    Beer Pics

    kind of disappointed in this one. But the girlfriend bought it for me so I can't complain
  5. Bad324

    Newark lunch?

    mines easy to spot with tinted windows, "watch for motorcycle" stickers on the windows, truxedo cover and a driving like ya stole it driving style
  6. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    riders without alliances ignored? :lol: I love this guy!
  7. Bad324

    Newark lunch?

    i didnt even go looking. As soon as I got there the guys were about to grab lunch from Wendys which was about 50ft from where we're doing the work so I said screw it and joined them
  8. Bad324

    Newark lunch?

    Shit i didn't even see your first post! Woulda beat the Wendy's I ended up getting with our crew
  9. Bad324

    Newark lunch?

    What's the name of the place? Did I miss it?
  10. Bad324

    Newark lunch?

    Cuz I'm a dummy and forgot this is your neck of the woods lol I'm 3 miles from our job and haven't stopped yet. Kinda starving
  11. Bad324

    Newark lunch?

    Sounds like my style. Whete do I find this?
  12. Bad324

    Newark lunch?

    Ah yes! Didn't realize 36 (at least that's what I though I was on) turns into 16 which is eat I'm on now
  13. Bad324

    Newark lunch?

    If it helps I'm taking 36 all the way in from 77 so I think I come through coshocton too
  14. Bad324

    Newark lunch?

    I think it's in heart of Newark. Canal st and 2nd
  15. Bad324

    Newark lunch?

    I'm headed to Newark running parts for a job were doing and it's gonna be lunch when I get there so is there a local must go place there that's quick instead of getting fast food?
  16. if the ebay ones for your bike are anything like the ebay ones on my old cbr then they are junk. get what you pay for but if you're more worried about saving the paint then results from an actual crash they are fine for that!
  17. I also finally watched the movie/documentary about the Isle of Mann and that was pretty awesome I must say. I'm not really even a fan or follower of racing and loved it
  18. I actually love this movie but then again people find my taste in movies questionable. Its a movie, if it entertains me then I like it, thats the point I have no idea if this is smart ass or a different movie than thee Top Gun however it is indeed the first reason I ever wanted a sport bike! both of these are also highly entertaining to me, I like watching em
  19. I'm with the majority here, unless its someone we know I don't get it. We all know there is a risk involved in what we do and that there are many fatalities every year with this. I usually stay out of them most of the time unless its to break out my judgemental heartless asshole side
  20. Bad324

    Beer Pics

    Conway's is garbage. It and Burning River I cannot stand. This is a phenomenal beer however, so glad they decided to bottle it
  21. no problem, wanted to check with you guys first before I made a decision. Trying to find a perforated leather jacket under $200 for street riding to replace the one I sold in the 2pc suit set. IF you have other suggestions, I'm open ears
  22. Bad324

    mardi gras

    titties n beer. Hot damn do I miss NOLA
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