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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. she was well known for showing up wearing quite possibly the largest hoop earrings I've ever seen on a girl you didn't have to pay for
  2. I saw the user name and about spit out my drink. My ex-gf's nickname was Hoops
  3. i just saw too many shitty reviews and issues so I don't mind spending the extra money for the LCP really. I'm still a gun noob so something easy and reliable is right up my alley
  4. yea the fin has an LCP for $289 with no laser. If I can get it for $350 with a laser I'll go for it, if not then I'll pick one up for 289 and maybe add a Crimson Trace down the road if I feel like
  5. hmm since you're the coupon queen I guess I'll have to give this a shot then
  6. excellent...yea after shooting my friends and him going on and on about it I'm pretty much sold on this over the Bodyguard
  7. so finally have decided to make a purchase....they don't still happen to have this price do they? Want to see if any of the 3 places local I'd like to buy it from will match it
  8. hmm interesting. I do like saving money when I buy things. So no spam or any of that junk and its not a pyramid scheme thing?
  9. interesting, might have to read up on this later. I'm a lazy sob and got a good 25-30lbs that should be dropped. Currently using a different product but I'm not very consistent with it so it only has mildly worked
  10. I've used both but I'm cheap so I just went for the best deal. I don't use it all that often so it didn't matter much to me. If I had unlimited funds the GoPro Hero2 though would no doubt be the way to go
  11. thats how I was last year and a year later I pretty much knew mostly everyone! yea holy shit you can dance, woulda loved seeing you have a dance off with Count Rockula, woulda been epic!
  12. pm Nate at Riders Discount...they've matched almost every closeout deal I've found elsewhere and shipped to my door in a day or 2
  13. damn you for not having this price before I bought the RR Clearly I'd rather keep the RR, just wanna figure out if the steering issue is in my head or something else that requires money I don't wanna dump into it
  14. more money than brains, not surprised out in that land
  15. damnit Kevin thats totally in my price range. If my 600rr sells and you have this expect to be hearing from me
  16. pm me more details! if my 600rr sorta unexpectedly sells then I may be interested
  17. Imprez or Pauly is all I know but pauly isn't available til march I believe
  18. Season 3 is tomorrow That's what te Internet is for
  19. yea down for me too, including our businesses stuff
  20. if for some reason you get desperate to unload it, I'd take the gun and the 2 mags for $200 otherwise think I'm holding out for a Bodyguard, LCP or LC9
  21. Starts Sunday again!!
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