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Everything posted by palandor

  1. :-/ There's a male Centerville (ritzy town) cop on a big cop motorcycle that rides with a half shell, no jacket, spandex riding pants (the kind you'd see on women that ride horses), tall riding boots, and no gloves. Reminds me of CHIPS.
  2. That's pretty stupid, unless she/he meant it figuratively... (claustrophobia?)
  3. How can he man up? He's got No Balls!
  4. Sapphy, congrats on getting your carbs fixed. I have had my '99 Vulcan 500 for several years and work on it whenever I need to. I also have a Hayne's manual for it. It's a great bike, but it's got its little quirks. (like the left carb running too lean and causing the pipe to get too hot and the chrome to change color.) If you need help in the future with that bike, just give me a holler. I'm not in Columbus, but Beavercreek is within shouting distance if you're on the west/south side of Cbus. Also, you may want to check out http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/en500/ as it's a small-ish but active and helpful Vulcan group. -b
  5. palandor

    Ride? 5 May

    Alab32, I ride during the week, usually during the daytime. If you're wanting to get out, pm me and I'll send you a word if'n I'm wanting to head out. Same goes for anyone else who wants to ride during the week...
  6. Yup, really, all of it! I got the "down" route done, took a 10 minute granola bar break, then decided 'wth, let's see what the 2nd half of the route is like", hence being out for 4 1/2 hrs riding. All on 2.7 gallons of fuel. (I feel like such a cheap date.)
  7. I left about 1p and got back about 5:30p. Nick, I rode your southern route down and back; pretty interesting route! Very scenic. :-D
  8. I'll be out and about also, but not until after 12:30pm. I'm undecided about heading to Thrashing Trails for some dirt play vs putting miles on the new cruiser tires.
  9. I wanna go at some point (dual sport, not quad), but I'm a total newb when it comes to dirt riding, plus my trailer isn't quite together yet so I'd have to put it on someone else's trailer/truck. -b
  10. For a moment, I thought that meant a chest bump between guys...
  11. Looks like fun, where's that at?
  12. I can't Tuesday night, but I can go Wednesday or Thursday if we leave about 6 p.
  13. :-D 3p is pretty good too. I was making that statement based on what I know about people working 8a-5p jobs. Sorry.
  14. palandor

    Fuck bees

    I'm not very well educated on the problem (my wife is the primary beekeeper in the family), but I'd say it's a big enough problem that when you combine it with everything else (mites, really cold winter, etc), it is definitely a big deal. Mites and winter can be dealt with, but something that still has unknown causes is the challenge.
  15. 7am is not bad. Not great, but not bad. People are, or should be, getting up for work about then. I had a neighbor who would start mowing his grass during the summer before the official sunrise, often starting between 6:15 and 6:30am; sometimes I wondered how he could see where he had mowed. I didn't even get my kid up for school that early. I think he did it because it was hot out. However, I'd see the trash truck waiting down the street until 6:29am because they weren't allowed to pick up trash until 6:30a because it was too noisy and people complained. That neighborhood sucked though; people with dogs that chased the mail carrier and wouldn't close their front door to keep the dog in, ladies that let their cats roam during the day then walked the street at 11pm yelling their cats' names. (not an HOA.) I took steps to make friends in the current neighborhood; so far, so good. Plus it's mostly older people. Worst they do is mow their grass 3x a week, get lawn service, and make my lawn look like junk with all the dandelions. ;-) -b
  16. palandor

    Fuck bees

    Wasps & hornets suck. We're starting up two honeybee hives this spring. Yum, honey! (and garden pollination)
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