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Posts posted by Zach

  1. About the best thing you can do is get some clear safety glasses and wear them in colder weather. When your visor fogs, you can just open it up to quickly clear it.

    I always open mine at stoplights and then close it once I'm moving.

  2. ^that, and I suspect it's a (pretty good) photoshop job.

    **edit - the more I look at it, the more i think ti's photo shopped. right-click on the image and choose "view." It opens in a larger window. Then look at the left-side tires on the taurus. The area directly behind the tires (on the truck) is a slightly different shade of maroon.


  3. Was it the exact same sprocket? Did you look at the source code on the tag? Hint is that if it had a TR after source code, it was a TR product that was from them. If it had another source code, it came from somewhere else.

    MSRP is the price suggested by the manufacturer, not by TR. MSRP should only be different year to year, not distributor to distributor.

    Like I said, "It is what it is." I wasn't happy about it, and no, it wasn't 160% so I just went with it.

    It's just a hard pill to swallow when just about every website has things BELOW MSRP. Usually you can expect to pay full retail at IP and other brick and mortar stores, but MORE? That's messed up.

  4. I think what's sealed the fate of 2 strokes is the fact that there's no low-strung smokers left. Everything available is a fire-breathing race motor.

    Yeah, you can ride them gently and avoid rebuilding them twice a year, but those motors are really only happy when flogged.

    With 4 stroke dirtbikes, you can get the rebuild-happy race bikes that aren't much better than 2 strokes when it comes to maintenance, but you can also get reliable and cheap 4 strokes that will basically run forever with negligible maintenance.

  5. It seems every painter has issues like this. Maybe it's the fumes, maybe it's the inherent flaw that all artists seem to have, but usually the good far outweighs the bad.

    I know springtime is CRAZY for painters as everyone wants their stuff done, and it seems Paul doesn't want to tell anybody "No." I've only met him briefly, but it seems he's a people pleaser and bit off a little too much this time.

  6. You do what you can to prepare you mind, self, and bike to be as safe as possible on the roadway.

    Prepare your mind by either participating in an MSF course or by studying the course material and other riding guides. Always be reading and trying to learn safe strategies. Avoid reckless operation that can surprise other motorists. Other drivers aren't expecting a vehicle to be traveling twice the speed limit.

    Wear gear. The more armor you can put on your body, the better your chances of walking away from a bad situation. Bright and contrasting colors will do wonders to help your visibility. I know my white helmet is extremely visible to drivers, I've been told so. If they see you, they're less likely to run you over.

    Prepare your bike by having it in 100% working order. If you have to avoid a situation, your steed needs to be up to the task. Also, running your brights during daylight hours can be helpful and adding additional lights to the front can't hurt.

    At the end of the day, your mind needs to be 100% focused on the ride. If you're spending half your mental energy on worrying about the risks of what you're doing, you're not going to be focused enough to react quickly.

  7. Photos are up! Thank you everyone again for coming out.

    We're definitely doing this again.

    Looks like a heck of an event! I really hope to be able to participate in the next one.

    One thing that may help would be if you designated a spot with good lighting for every competitor to have at least one photo taken, it would be easier for us bystanders to really compare the bikes.

    This also helps ensure you've got some quality pictures for promo work down the line.

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