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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. fuck you miller...i call you, you dont answer.
  2. thats a movie ya dum dum....they have been running the previews for a few days now. The "scientists" are actors.
  3. oh8sti

    camaro hybrid?

    i wouldnt pay for that thing, it looks like junk. All the shittiness from the newer ones and none of the old muscle coolness from the old one.....bad combo in my book
  4. oh8sti

    Sonic - 8/29

    what you? How? cause you have the car in fast n furious? mmmmm, i never would have thought cops would peg supras... lol
  5. oh8sti

    Sonic - 8/29

    your at the wrong sonic
  6. lol just use the heat shield off the old cat, weld it to the new piping and you have the same effect.
  7. too soon? ' http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a366/zhuzhuwo/bloggies%20pix/mj_boobs.jpg
  8. Or maybe she looks like this..........http://www.fohguild.org/forums/attachments/retard-rickshaw/80447d1215730078-ugly-girl-picture-thread-49471.jpg
  9. http://www.fohguild.org/forums/attachments/retard-rickshaw/80445d1215729972-ugly-girl-picture-thread-111007_ugly_woman_shirt.jpg
  10. oh8sti

    DJ AM dead

    you can die from too much crack? Thats like saying you can die from too much win.
  11. you must be drunk. neg rep for you. That busa looks slow cause it has all the extra plastic on it and that big metal thingy hangin off the side.
  12. Also at that price i would expect for her to rub her tits in my face in between plays while whispering sweet nothings in my ear.
  13. why are her bewbs all messed up in the corner? I dont like. I want more pics of her to ensure the quality of the tits. Thanks, Eric
  14. i will do it for cheaper than anyone in ohio. PM me with specifics. Fuck it, call Erik, I'll probly be working for him doin it anyway.
  15. thats fucked up how street racing is being pegged for the cause. I dont understand how the news places can go off of what some geriatric fuck considers street racing. I hope they find the guy that fled the scene.
  16. im sorry, but she it should be illegal for someone that big to ride on the back of a motorcycle.
  17. bout time we get rid of some of the old people
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