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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. why doesnt he just get his concealed carry? Cant now, but should have. Takes no time to get it..
  2. you must work out your abs alot to make them bleed... whats your secret?
  3. what are some other hidden gems of ohio? spooky places like this..
  4. Wanna sell that spare turbo II rearend? PM me please! I need it
  5. with this type of job market, i would apply to as many as possible, then decide what one would suit you best.
  6. oh8sti

    New to CR

    lol cause they both have window stickers.....Unless its your thing to show people how much your pontiac cost you....:jerkit:
  7. oh8sti


    hopefully you were waiting around for an hour cause they are finishing up my motor hahahahaha
  8. i knew i could count on you! You never fail with the questionable replies.
  9. any new pics of the new brakes and such?
  10. oh8sti

    New to CR!

    what does bing bong mean then? really little young boy? mmmmm tasty I like the cars, specially the s2000. Wanna sell it?
  11. QFT tressel has no killer instinct. He needs to grow balls and call plays to utilize what he has. he has some on the most highly recruited players in the nation and he doesnt use them.
  12. tell them you might have Hep A....going to get it checked out. There is no way in HELL they will let you work around food having a possible case of Hep A. No way at all. Usual symptoms are : jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of eyes), terrible lower back/kidney pain, cant hold fluids, puking, stomach feels like its tied up like rope, being in the fetal position in the bathtub seems to help a little.
  13. osu sucks ass. I go there and know they suck. Tressel is a bad coach. It has been proven in every big game we have played in the last 5 years. He has no killer instincts.
  14. why would you want MORE power? Dont you have a hard time getting traction already with the 400hp?
  15. sorry i was walking down lane when texting the last post...kinda all jumbled.
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