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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. the guy that went all charles manson on his family a few years back?
  2. The OP makes us subaru guys want to punch him in the face. He is the typical senile old man that sits on his porch and yells at all the kids for stepping on his yard. On a very serious note. I think there is something wrong with the OP. Was he beaten as a child? Rape? Any type of trauma that would cause him to be the way he is? Is the OP suddenly out of money, so he cries to us that do have money to blow 1k on a game that will be MUCH closer than he thinks? Im being 100% serious, i think something is wrong with him.
  3. Thats so sad, please keep us updated, those of you that are in contact with the family. Thank you Zach
  4. 9 pages in like 24 hours. It MUST be true!!
  5. whaaaaaaaaaa? Challenge? WHAAAAAAAAAAA? ITS A RACE WAR!!!!!! RACE WAR EVERYONE!!! RACE WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. i really like my S&W MP40 mini and my 9mm (cheap ammo)
  7. its still a mustang though... if it were me id pop a fuel line off and set that bitch on fire n get my fuckin money back
  8. who is it the sales guy you know? How do you know Mark?
  9. cant you be ignoring the law as well? I pay for my cable and watch alot of TV, i also pay for my internet and download shows to watch....there is no difference, i pay for both services and USE both the same way..
  10. oh8sti

    500hp WRX?

    Miller, call me, Im tryin to get 500+ on pump outta my STi this winter
  11. interested in an trade for an FC Rx7 with a built 5.0 liter and 76mm masterpower turbo? (plus $1500 cash)
  12. oh8sti

    My penis

    ........umm i was hoping to see a penis.
  13. oh8sti

    50 BMG Upper?

    the Beowulf .50 is another option. http://www.alexanderarms.com/beowulf.htm
  14. fucking canadians. Always doin stupid shit.
  15. oh8sti

    movie trailer

    meh, there have been many movies like this one.......the same old vampire/werewolf shit.
  16. way to get all sappy shanton......wanna cuddle later?
  17. lol great shots man, I like the one where your kid freaks out lol
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