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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. great job jeffie le geh. Learn to shift.
  2. you like to see homos naked?
  3. traditional medicine has had loads of failures. For you to disregard that is just showing your ignorance as a supposed doc. With that said, chiropractic practices have been known to be ineffective in some cases. I will use my younger sister in this case. She has been seeking chiropractic and scoliosis specialist for her..scoliosis. The reason she did that is because there is NOTHING most docs can do for it other than crippling surgery that would have her unable to do many things that she does. All in all there are pros and cons to whatever field of medicine you choose.
  4. hey if you wanna post something, ask me first. K? Im not a real big fan of you just spoutin off sayin whatever you want all the time. You feel me homeslice?
  5. Call me when you get one, I will tell you about what its like to have one. POW!!!!
  6. Ford F3 or 450 quad cab dually(would make most since cus i can throw plow on it) - One of the 2 best you have listed here. You can get for cheap, lots of parts to get easily and not an arm an a leg to keep going. 07 or newer Tahoe - The other one that i would go with because of above reasons. Hummer H1 wagon - I looked into these, i will get one later in life when i can afford to keep it running. Its hard to get parts for and not alot of people like to work on them. Audi S or RS6 possibly 8 - Great if you can get a new one, great warranty, but when it runs out, you are shit out of luck. Merecedes big body...dont know which one yet. - You just wanna look fly you silly little bitch. Unless you get an 07 or newer S63, black with black 22's then you will be gay.
  7. Where in the back is the pain? Could have thrown a rib out, kinda feels like a pinched nerve. You need to get yourself a massage by that wife you got Brian.
  8. pay me the money you owe me you twat, then you can think about what car to get. I'll sell you the A8L...that thing looks tits slammed
  9. Im seriously thinking about joining.
  10. oh8sti


    your last name is hand? Can i shake your........hand..........Mr. Hand!!
  11. oh8sti

    Just an FYI.

    Who wants to lock in a $100 snow drag?
  12. it looks awful. I also want to punch people like tucker max in the fucking mouth.
  13. you sent it to the wrong mike you fuck.
  14. 6.5mm Grendel http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/6615/swissgunkl3ym3.jpg
  15. as long as they want!!!! thats what i understand at least.
  16. oh8sti


    i see nothing wrong...looks like an LS1 to me.
  17. how the fuck does it even move with that shit little engine?
  18. your gonna what FS Steve? stay golden pony boy
  19. i was in class you geriatric fuck.
  20. i will suffer the milleseconds slower in order to not have 1"x40" blackouts all over my screen.
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