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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. seems like alot of money to still not be fast. with that turbo kit on it still only made 272. I would sell it OR motor swap a V8 into it, then you can talk serious numbers.
  2. im already smeshed just walking roud in campus been drukn since 8am
  3. thats you silly! I remember every moment of that day. I woke up today though and felt an overwhelming sense of sadness. I knew why when i stepped outside at 8:30am and looked at the sky. It was a perfect, cool, calm and beautiful day. But something happened so horrible 8 years ago on the same day, same sky, same calmness. It was surreal. Thank you Scott and all other servicemen on this site and country. It means more to us than we will ever be able to say with words.
  4. oh8sti

    oh shit!

    looks like a dirtmobil
  5. oh8sti


    thats kinda what i wanted to say, but its still a great gun and a great price.
  6. i heard these things are pretty cool
  7. oh8sti


    i sold mine for 1200 7 months ago and it was the same gun with no ammo and i sold all the goodies off it. looks to be a good price and great gun.
  8. 500 a pair is cheap........pshhhhhh
  9. i have never owned anything that was a 4 figure car.
  10. i wouldnt even let that thing, let me, take a shit on its chest.
  11. clones arent real either. I learned this when in Tokyo. Some serious burns on my penis.
  12. In the thread you referenced you used the name paul lyskett. Was that a typo? If not, its the same guy, you just spelled his last name wrong. I worked there for over a year and have had great relationships with everyone but Paul.
  13. its just Paul Liska the fat fuck that works there that gives people problems. I was standing near him one day when i heard him call a person of oriental decent a chink. I couldnt believe it. I dont know why he is still there, he offers nothing but negativity to that dealership. Dont get me wrong, i like byers, i know the family and have bought many cars there, but damn they need to get rid of that guy.
  14. you can drive mine...they will not let you drive one. Trust me on that. Unless you have cash in hand.
  15. hahaha fuck you jeff! lol my mom isnt paying for any of my car! Its been all outta my pocket. I havent seen my car run in 2 months so its hard to tell when it'll be done. Hopefully soon cause i dont have a car to drive anymore HINT HINT
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