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Everything posted by tyler524

  1. I was pissed when I got home an was missing most of my nails. Those things weren't cheap
  2. This is a scam. If you google it, you will find similar listings all over the place. I have seen this or other similar listings pop up every now and then.
  3. +1 No offense but whoever paid $5500 is out of their mind
  4. As much as I dislike Apple as a company, Jobs was a tech visionary and a big asset to the tech industry. RIP
  5. I had taco hell and had a cool ranch dorito taco to celebrate before I even knew it was taco day. Taco Bell doesn't really count though
  6. Wow so my 1:27s were pretty good then on Saturday.
  7. What kind of race times were you guys running in the rain?
  8. The internetz is serious business especially xbox live. You kill me, I will hunt your down and kill you for realz.
  9. Grip felt great, I felt like they would have done anything I needed them to. I was able to fly around people on the outside of 4, the carousel, and 13 holding a steady line without them slipping at all. It rained until probably 330 or so and most of the puddles were gone the last session. I ended up with the Pirelli Diablo Rain blues. I got them from the team rev guy because Todd was out and Dunlop wanted $530 for set. They had w few laps on then but looked brand new.
  10. Pretty good day despite the weather. I was running 1:27s with the rain tires and felt like there was a lot left but I was cautious with the rain. I'm really starting to feel a lot more comfortable out there. I just wish this wasn't the end of the season.
  11. First session on the rains made a hell of a difference. I was amazed at the difference it made
  12. Both, I had 28 28 in the tires but I decided to get rain tires and have them mounted so we will see if that helps outbthis afternoon
  13. The track is a damn ice rink out there. Can't get the tires to warm up and it just wants to keep spinning the rear
  14. Haha you beat me to it. I was going to say that the rumor is that this thing adds a foot to your penis.
  15. It look like I am missing the riders meeting.,I over slept and didn't leave until 6:15
  16. Just got off the phone with Todd and he has cancelled tonight.
  17. How much money do they make off you vs the people drinking here and buying shots.
  18. Headlights are actually attached to the oem upper. You lay be able to come up with an easy way to switch bodies but mine would probably take a full day to switch back.
  19. Finished getting the body mounted up tonight. I have to go pick up some exhaust wrap in the morning and pull the lower back off and wrap it since the exhaust it touching the fiber glass.
  20. Confirmed: tyler524 - Fri & Sat - open/intermediate Mykill - Fri - maybe Sat J_Copeland - Sat - instructional blue03636 - Sat & Sun texasmassacre - Fri & Sat jat42- Fri & Sat JR. - Sat Pending: APCh8r rslocum
  21. tyler524

    No caption

    From the album: The Bike

  22. tyler524

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    From the album: The Bike

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