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Everything posted by tyler524

  1. Chrysler products ..... nuff said
  2. Do you actually think it ever had nawz to begin with?
  3. So you like being the bitch?
  4. tyler524

    Get Drunk HERE!

    No Christmas here at the waterin hole but theyz got yeungling
  5. Haha wear some good non slip shoes and make sure you've got good ramps. Don't slip walking/throttling the bike up the ramp, bad things happen
  6. I am building mine this winter, already bought and put the body on before the last track day. For one, I am more likely to get the parts that I want by doing it myself and over a span of time instead of trying for fork up all the cash for something someone else has already done. If you buy something and somone had taken a lot of shortcuts, troubleshooting an issue might be a pain in the ass.
  7. I rented a rug doctor earlier tonight and was trying to get the carpets cleaned. I shut it off to change the water and went to turn it back on and the damn thing won't turn back on. Ran through all the shit that they have on their website and of course, no help. Thing has power but won't power the vacuum on it. I called customer support and it kept transferring me and disconnecting which pissed me off. After the third time, I called and hit the number for sales and of course someone answered. I talked to her and she said the customer service is closed for the night which whatever it's midnight so I can understand that but they need to let you know that instead of just hanging up on you when you transfer. It also pissed me off that they can have someone there working sales at fucking midnight but not customer service.
  8. S They could always put on eBay so you could bid it up there
  9. I'm just here for the gangbang with the Asian
  10. I'm too cheap and don't want to hurt mine. I would like the plow but can't bring myself to put one on my truck.
  11. http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/29/us/florida-cop-reckless-driving/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 Nice to actually see something like happen. I did have to laugh that it was a women that was the one who pulled him over for it though. Discuss
  12. What I would really like to do is put a plow on my truck but I can't see putting a plow on a brand new truck, just isn't going to happen.
  13. A quick measurement of my driveway on the auditors site shows that it is approx 40'x20' and it is a concrete driveway that is what I would call flat if anything may have a very very slight slope to it. I found these blowers on craigslist, anyone have any info they could provide for these? http://toledo.craigslist.org/grd/2653766311.html
  14. Ha so that may be similar I guess with about 10lbs of shit in his hair but I don't really care either way. Same haircut I've had for about 5 years now
  15. Haha what Jersey Shore hair cut are you referring to? Never seen anyone on Jersey Shore with a fauxhawk
  16. I wish I would have had a picture of the whole costume but it turned out pretty sweet. I might be going out Monday too and will take some better pictures if I do. This costume was a huge hit at a couple parties and the bars, I swear every drunk ass wanted to feel my wounds. You can do some bad ass stuff with liquid latex and a little bit of time.
  17. I was planning on chaining the tires and hanging adding a weight to the rear end but you may be right that buying a blower is just simpler and easier
  18. Get your check book out since you have bid on it 4 times
  19. Do any of you know any decent cheap universal plow kits out there for riding lawn mowers. I am debating if I want to put a plow on the rider or just buy a snow blower. I don't have a a giant drive way but it is big enough to a pain in the ass to shovel. I am thinking that anything more than a couple hundred and then it's time to just buy a decent snow blower instead. A universal plow might work and I could always weld on some mounts if I had to. This is apparently the plow that is made for the mower but at 300 plus tax I would almost rather buy a blower. Here is my mower:
  20. +1 well not sure on price but on the rest. I used my former companies sprinter can when I moved into my house. The room in those things is quite surprising. One big plus is that they are tall enough to walk in.
  21. Wow and I thought my truck and bike plates were bad at over 100+ but thats only for one year
  22. I have moved up to a fairly high position at a very young age and would like to continue moving up. I work my ass off and put up with some crap time lines and projects sometime but people know I will do what it takes to get it done.
  23. What is the cost of living in the other parts of the world that severely bring down that level of income?
  24. I do not get paid for anything over 80. The most I did was like 157 hours for two weeks which was basically 77 hours of free labor for the company. Now as of Monday, I will get straight time for anything I work over 50 hours a week which while could be better is greatly appreciated and better than the nothing that I have been getting
  25. That's weak, I did 145 a couple checks ago
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