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Everything posted by SpeedTriple44444

  1. "I find it poetic justice that he was convicted of molesting kids at Penn State and now he will be molested at State Pen"
  2. Let's see... 40 miles at 42mph, with 6 stops, pirates... or... the 500 miles of twisty Ohio roads I did on Saturday at a good pace. Difficult choice. Seriously though... what is it with the need to pose? It's such an obviously weak-minded way of living, and so unoriginal... such herd mentality. I'm disappointed with my buddy across the street. He just got a Kawasaki cruiser (which is a nice bike) and I see him and his wife coming down our country road 2-up with no gear on at all (other than a do-rag at most). They have small kids. It's evening, and there are deer out all over the place. The odds are pretty good of making orphans of your children if you hit a deer. Is it really worth it? I've been known to ride with just a dot half-shell (mine is one of the ugly ones that actually offers some side impact protection, goes down over the ears). At least it's something!
  3. I know nerves are coming into play somewhat. I'm definitely more tense in the lefts, and my body position is suffering, which is not helping at all. I noticed a couple times I pushed the bike down under me in the lefts, where the rights my body position was more correct, with the bike more upright and my body to the right of the vertical center of the bike. I have no problems in rights with getting off the seat. Lefts, it's happening, but not as smoothly and not as confidently.
  4. You guys might be on to something with this leaning toward oncoming traffic and riding at the far side of the lane. That is definitely something I think about. The first time I went down it was due to gravel toward the outside edge of a left-hander. I'd like to get on one of the rides and get some tips. I'm never going to be fast like some of you on here, but I would like to be at least confident with a 7/10 pace. Thanks for the replies.
  5. It's not about being spooked... it's like I can't seem to find the right line through them for some reason, and I'm not smooth. At times it's working. I'm going to have to try and notice which ones are more difficult and figure out why. I went out and rode about 8 hours yesterday. Where were we when I crashed that day? I tried to find the road but couldn't remember where and what it was. I ended up doing the bottom half of 555 and a lot of 78 as well as a bunch of other roads. For the most part it was good, but there were times when I just couldn't read the turn. It seemed to be ok on the tighter stuff, but the hard sweepers, especially going up hill, seemed to be an issue. It was like I couldn't find the line. I really am wondering if it's an eye dominance issue.
  6. First off, sorry if this is in the wrong place. I'm not sure quite where it belongs. So, I've been riding 15 years. I haven't had a real track day where I've had coaching, and I didn't take a MSF course. I think I ride OK, all things considered. Not great, not fast, but I seem to be somewhere in the middle of the pack. Over the years, I've been down a couple times, and I think I've finally found what is going on, but I'm not sure what to do about it. It's left-handers. I just can't seem to read them. There is something happening visually that is throwing everything out of whack. I'm having a lot of trouble finding and holding a good line. Anybody have any advice to offer on how to fix this? Both times I've crashed, it was on a left hand turn.
  7. I don't know who is more idiotic; the cop for what he did, or the group of sport bikes weaving and holding up traffic. If they weren't out there being a nuisance on the highway, none of this would have happened. It doesn't justify the cop's behavior in the slightest, but it's time riders start taking a little responsibility and quit acting like morons. Like I tell my 7 year old- those looking for trouble usually find it.
  8. It was great riding with you guys today. I look forward to doing it again.
  9. How about the DL650. It's the ugly, tall, comfortable version of the SV... very comfortable if you're tall. It's the best commuter I've ever owned. Stock 53mpg. Only about 62hp, but enough to do most everything well.
  10. ^glad to hear that... I wouldn't waste my time heading north either.
  11. Well, since my birthday is on Sunday, I decided to take Thursday and Friday and do some riding. I can't think of anything else I would rather do. I usually do 555 at least a couple times each year, so maybe I'll head down that way on Friday.
  12. That will work. Anyone else coming?
  13. Yeah... that's fine. What time are you thinking?
  14. Vacation day approved! Looking forward to it.
  15. Let me put in for a vacation day. I could use it.
  16. I'm playing squid today- dressed in my dress casual work clothes (short sleeve dress shirt, dress pants), with a black ugly battered half shell helmet and sunglasses. If you see a big ugly guy dressed like that on a battered blue V-strom in the Streetsboro, Ravenna, or Newton Falls area, it's likely to be me. I'm not sorry yet.
  17. Saturdays are the best for me. I can do a few weekdays with enough notice (have to take a vacation day from work). Sundays are family time.
  18. Man... so tempted. Did you sell it? That's a serious piece of 1980's Honda there. I'm a fan.
  19. I would love to. It seems like every time you text me, I'm either at work or some other thing is going on! Seriously, would like to ride with you guys. Your pace looks like about how I typically ride. I'm on my V-strom these days (still don't have the ST repaired from my crash) so I can't easily step the pace up too much. I dig the 152 video you did. I have never been on that road, but it really looks like a good time. I'll check it out next time I'm down that way.
  20. What's up then? I did see a lot more oversized trucks with construction equipment. I know the water trucks are going to the fracking sites, because I followed a couple there. What's with the commercial equipment?
  21. 164 from Amsterdam to Lisbon was in good shape. 164 heading south out of Amsterdam over to 9 is a mess- you're right about that. 646 was a mess on the east side of 9. The best part is just east of New Rumley anyway, so it's not like you're missing much. The far east side was ok, but it's always been a little sketchy with gravel in the tight turns and cars blowing the center line. It's a great ride though if you can catch it at the right time- pretty twisty. I really enjoy just riding 9 South out of Kensington, all the way down to Cadiz. The pavement is great, and riding it pretty fast is a lot of fun on the sweepers (nothing too tight, but it's fun).
  22. I used to own one of those- identical to that one. There aren't too many with that color scheme! Very nice!
  23. Just a heads up for anyone sport riding in that area: With the amount of fracking going on and the popularity of the roads on the increase for Harleys and touring bikes, you might want to hit those roads on a Saturday or Sunday late afternoon or evening. I've had numerous close calls in that area in the last 2 seasons with Harleys blowing the center line, and now water trucks. 164 has become very busy. I did ride it late saturday evening (just before sunset), and only had to pass a few cars- no bikes, no trucks. My grandparents live down there on 43 just north of Amsterdam, so I'm always down that way.
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