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Posts posted by scottb

  1. Well, since Ponch can run faster then the fat guy at the high school, I suspect Poncho lives and the fat guy becomes the main course for zombie dinner.

    If the police cars had the keys ( or could be quickly "hot wired") I would have started the car, turned on the sirens, and put the car in gear so the zombies would have followed the car = clear path to trailer for supplies.

    The storyline hopefully will pick up quickly.

  2. Trying not to over think things, but what was the deal with the one zombie that just happened to remember he had an opposable thumbs and decided to enter the RV? So maybe he was the smart zombie?

    And if getting bit by a zombie turns you into a zombie, I am pretty sure I would not be disecting a zombie and touching zombie blood.

  3. Glad Jake is gone, that was a punk move to quit instead of "going down fighting" Maybe he Jake did not come across as cocky, the drama from the last 2 episodes ( the confrontation in the kitchen and Jake moving outside the house to sleep) would not have happened. I understand ego's but there is a difference between confidance and cocky

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