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Posts posted by scottb

  1. Our "gift to each other" was a trip to Vegas last week. I did get some cash, and a few gift cards for places to eat. I plan to get myself a Horton crossbow and a CZ-82 pistol. My 1982 motorcycle is just fine how it is, so no need for bike related stuff. Oh, and I have to fix the dryer too, but that is not really a gift.

  2. We had a lunchtime work hockey team. Our work is very close to an ice rink. The first 6 weeks was how to learn to skate, then the basic of skating and passing. I learned I was not to good on ice, so I did not make past week 3. so far, the dart team idea sounds good, if you can get your games in before work. Not to expensive to start out.

  3. Looking great. And takes time.

    My garage is only 20 x 20. Each side has a roll up garage door.

    When I first moved in, there was the old school "flip out and push back single piece" door.

    I installed 2 used wooden roll up doors from the classified section ( pre-Craigslist days).

    Now that I added siding, I also installed 2 aluminum roll up doors.

    I currently use the one side for the wife's car and the other side has my bike, snow thrower and lawn equipment. I plan to add cabinets instead of the cheezy wood shelves I built when we first moved in.

  4. I would have to get out of the city. I would hang out at my friend's place in northeast Ohio. He has land and water. I would bring guns and ammo. And an ability to fix to things like cars.

    I would also have to make a detour to Amish country and stop at that store that has all the old-time non-electric equipment for food prep.

    We could defend the land. The one concern would be if everybody is getting out of the city, how long would the aminals exist to be there to hunt?

    Maybe get some solar panels? Not sure the best plan to provide plentiful, residual food and water.

    I did watch that TV show called Jericho. It was about a small town that had to stick together after a few nuke's were dropped in several cities in America.

  5. Isn't robbery illegal? Just checking........

    And doesn't Ohio have a law on the books that if a gun is used in crime, seven years is automaticly added to the sentance? Has that reduced or been a factor in a lowering gun crimes in Ohio? I dont know.

    Or has that lead to an increase in other weapons used in crimes as a result of the the 7 year gun rule being in place?

  6. Told you to buy that AK today LOL! The one that was half tactical.

    That one had too much tacti-bling for me.

    I like the all wood AK's, maybe an adjustable stock, and a red dot.

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