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Posts posted by scottb

  1. I did not watch the show yet, but I did watch the moive that was on before the show called "dawn of the dead". I noticed that during a zombie attack, you use up a boat load of ammo. So you have to carry alot of ammo, which would slow ya down, but it is needed. How would you carry ammo and have it accessable as you are running and firing and reloading?

  2. i don't want to take this thread to the NSFW zone

    and i was just messing around earlier. I forgot the smiley face or whatever you pasties use to pretend that you were joking.

    see? :)

    And if you add the "LOL", you will be ok

    ...heh heh

    And if you add the "LOL", you will be ok

  3. A while back, I had a small 30 gallon tank and about 10 neon tetras ( i think that is what they were called). I was relaxing watching the fish. We also had cats at the time too. The one cat would strech out to reach the top of the tank stand and peek into the tank. This would scare the fish, the fish would swim in a cricle and eventual one would jump right out of the tank by the opening for the rear tank light. Then the cats would have a nice treat. After a few days, we notice that a couple fish were missing, we just figured the other fish snacked on the missing ones, until I actually saw a fish jump out of the tank.

  4. this sounds just about perfect. .22 for plinking around, 12ga for home defense or shooting clays, and then something in between for when the zombies come :) (something legal to hunt with if i wanted, so 243 is probably out...)

    THis one firearm restriction sounds good on paper. That is kinda how my situation started. My first firearm was a Remington 870 home defense shotgun. Then next came the Savage .22LR bolt action rifle. Then Speedy let me shoot his .22 semi auto rifle, so i ran right out an got a Marlin 795 semi-auto rifle. I took the wife to the range with the .22's and she thought it was ok, she didn't hate shooting, but really did not seem to enjoy it too much.

    22LR ammo is $6.47 for 100 round CCI varment load good for target practice on paper at the range.

    So for me, the first purchase was for home defense, then I was looking at under $200 22LR rifles for target shooting. I factored in the original purchase price and the cost of ammo.

    Then i went out shooting clays, so now i would like to get another 870 to be used as my field gun, unless i get a great deal on a Browning Citori.

    Now I want a pistol. This has all happened in the last 10 months.

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