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Everything posted by scottb

  1. Thanks Likwid. We can go to the shooty place together. It was cool that the place I bought it from gave a 25 round box for free for my trouble. So, I will try the new rounds maybe this weekend, if I am not traveling for work.
  2. I spoke to Remington today. They suggest switching to another type of round for about 15-20 shells. Plan B is the chamber needs to be polished. The only autherized place for Rem warrenty work is in Cambridge ohio, or one closer to me in PA. I might save the gas/shipping money and just take it in to a gunsmith that is close and have the chamber polished if it is not too much. WALTHER, thank you for the PM.
  3. The round will make its way properly from the mag tube in the chamber and seat into the barrel. After the round is fired, you can not rack the slide to eject the shell. The "manual" (action bar lock, as listed in the owners manual)release lever does not move, and seems to be stuck in the upward most position ( close to the bottom of the mag tube). The finger on the breech bolt appears to be in the correct postion at the base of the shell, but you can not slide anything backward to release the shell from the bottom ( chamber side) of the barrel.
  4. So a bit of an update, I took the 870 to shop I purchased it. The Federal ammo I was shooting has aluminum at the bottom of it, not brass. The guy behind the counter said even though those rounds should have ejected, he suggested I switch to "high brass" rounds to allow for proper seating. He gave me a box of Winchester rounds to shoot. He visually inspected the 870, but explained he could not take it apart to look at and if I was not comfortable with 870, I would have to send it back to Remington since it was still under warrenty. So, I think I might try shooting the brass rounds and see. But I am not sure if there is anything wrong with the shotgun. The shop guy indicated that he has not heard of any issues with the 870.Not sure what to do. I know Remington will want the shotgun sent to them for inspection, maybe I will do that just for the piece of mind.
  5. No comments were taken as harsh, thanks for correcting me. It was my first time shooting. I should have been more clear, the trigger was upgraded to be more sensitive, and the owner mentioned it was a "hair" trigger. And in hind site, it really is a hunting rifle. I do know I have lot to learn, but over all, other then the jams on the Rem, I had a great time. I am taking the Rem into the place I purchased it from, hope they can determine the cause of the jams.
  6. I think it helped have an experienced shooter with me for my first time. Came in handy when the gun jammed. The rules were common sense, but had to be said. I'll report back what the gun shop says about 2 jams in 28 rounds. The Weatherby is not mine. After the fact, it turns out it is considered a "sniper" rifle and is kinda pricey. The factory trigger has been upgraded to a "hair" trigger. It seems that as soon as your fingerprint touches the trigger, it shoots. Next time I shoot, I will have to practice the breathing while shooting. Honestly, I was holding my breathe as I was shooting the Weatherby. And too, my friend had the rifle sighted-in very well. So it was easy to be acccurate.BTW, my shoulder is sore.
  7. Today I got to shoot my Rem 870 and a Weatherby 308. I went to Walmart and bought a soft side case, ear muffs, and a 100 round box of Federal "general purpose" ammo. First impressions. I was shooting at a friend's property. He is an experienced hunter. The basic ground rules were common sense, keep the safety on until ready to fire, no finger on the trigger until ready to fire, and ALWAYS stay behind the shooter. We would call out when the safety was switched off and on. The Rem 12 gauge kicks HARD. Mine has a 18.5 barrel, cylinder bore. We were shooting at cardboard targets and water filled wiper fluid bottles. It was interesting to see the pattern difference at 20 feet compared to 30 feet. After round 15, the spent shell would not eject from the chamber. My friend thought it was a "bad" round. So off to the picnic table for some gun surgery. After taking the barrel off, we were able to get the spent casing removed. It appeared the round was slightly not round on one side and got hung up on the ejector clip. So we finished off the the box of 25 and opened another box of 25. Spent round 28 also would not eject. Back to the picnic table to remove the stuck shell. Is it possible we had another "bad" round? I am thinking the Rem 870 is super reliable, so it must be just the ammo. After looking, it seems the little "finger" on the bolt? that grabs the shell when you eject is not quite smooth, possibley causing the shell to not sit flush in the barrel. Since we were not positive it the jams were caused by the ammo or something with the gun, we cleaned it and put the Rem 870 away. I will speak with the place I purchased the gun and have them look at it. Then the next one. The Weatherby 308. What a sweet gun. We were shooting at a paper target from 100 yards. Not too much recoil, but very loud,even with ear muffs. Must be something to do with the 168 grain load. Pics below. I suspect that my first shot was wide right because I was expecting the boom/recoil so I might not have smoothly pulled the trigger. On the pics with me shooting the Weatherby, I knew I was having my picture taken, so no finger on the trigger. The Nikon scope makes shooting very easy. All pictures are from my camera phone.
  8. scottb

    Its alive!!

    I thought about taking the bikes out too, but did not want to to take the chance with the Katana on the rock salty roads since JasonL is buying it. And did not want to take the 850 out cuz the old bike is still in hibernation mode. I did manage to get both cars washed in the driveway, after the hose thawed out.
  9. scottb

    Its alive!!

    I can try to help, let me know what you come up with.
  10. I had several of the 1970 Oldsmobiles, the fire cheif and and the police car, but I painted them with model paint.......Doh!!
  11. Not a bike you see everyday. The front turnsignal/mirror combo is kinda Goldwing-ish. Sounds like an interesting project.
  12. Thanks Jporter for the info. No ABS on the Durango..
  13. Correct on the rotating. I use Mobil 1 oil and change the oil every 5000 miles.I also rotate the tires. I am out of sync now with the rotating and the oil change this winter. Now if i knew why my 2002 Durango has had 2 caliper lock ups, once on the right front and once on the left front. Locking up to the point of smoke out of the front wheel well. After the truck sits, I can raise the front tire and it will spin free. After each event, I flush the brake fluid, verify caliper piston retracts, clean/anti-seize the caliper slides. Dodge has 88K on it. I suspect the brake hoses are collapsing internally? Right front locked up Thursday night. Truck sat for 30 minutes before I could inspect it. No problems today. Will flush brake fluid this weekend.
  14. I have a 2003 Monte Carlo. My front tires wear alot fast then the rear tires. I dont have my tread gauge at my house (at my dad's) to give you specs, but it you can visually tell the rear tires had more tread. When this winter started, I had no traction with the "worn" tires on front. I rotated the worn tires to the rear and moved the more tread having tires to the front. Now I have traction and control. No problems with turns or changing lanes with the less tread tires in the back. I started with 4 new tires, but the front wore down faster then the rear tires due to front wheel drive, turning and braking. Currently have Cooper tires on the car now because i could not afford Goodyear. The prior set of tires were Goodyear Triple tread assurance. By far, the best tires I ever had on the car but were kinda pricey.
  15. Welcome, it seems you like Katanas.
  16. A friend from college owns Ramey Automotive, in downtown Mansfield. Maybe we will see you at the AMA race this summer.
  17. Ok, maybe a bit new. The motorcycle show after party was kinda a drink-fest, and thanks Ben for taking away the knife there.
  18. I never ever ever have drinks when on the bike. Lost a college friend to a drunk driver. I was just throwing that out there so everyone would know that parks and certain beverages would not be a good idea. Not all get togethers are a drink fest.
  19. The news up here is showing multi-car pileups on 71. Hope none of the southern members on here were involved in any accidents.
  20. Wow, no snow here in Cleveland yet. Any snow we do get is going to be light, according to the weather guys up north.
  21. Just throwing it out there, but in the parks near me, you can't have alcoholic beverages. Maybe a city park is different then a state/federal park. No alcohol is not a show stopper.
  22. I dont see Carrie as the June Cleaver type.....Good one Likwid
  23. Casper, you will have a few hours before Carrie sees it, she should be at the show selling raffle tickets.
  24. I have a Boyscout field handbook,not sure how helpful it would be . I am not a hunter or able to farm my own food. So, I would have to team up with a person that can, or steal/barter for food. With my automotive background, I am sure I can repair/macguyver mechanical things. I dont think my computer skills would be useful in a major event like that.
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