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Everything posted by scottb

  1. It is about 14 hours since I got home. I am now finally functional. Moose, you rock.
  2. That's not MJ, thats the girl that was there with MJ?.......LOL
  3. Kos, it is SHEARING sheep, not SHARING sheep..... But your name tag says it all :
  4. I'll post this in this thread too: Here is a link to Kelli's pictures from the party. I am not sure what was happening with the camera, some pics must have been to close and the camera flash washed out the people. Enjoy. http://picasaweb.google.com/bratkar/...eat=directlink#
  5. Here is a link to Kelli's pictures from the party. I am not sure what was happening with the camera, some pics must have been to close and the camera flash washed out the people. Enjoy. http://picasaweb.google.com/bratkar/OhioRidersParty?feat=directlink#
  6. I moved the link from the after party to the other thread, Cleveland IMS & DTC "Karaoke AfterParty", Saturday Jan. 30th
  7. Kos, Mags, Moose, nice sharing a table with you. Kos, are we square on the tab? What was up with the 3 local guys deciding to play pool in the middle of the party?
  8. If you go out an act like half your age, you will feel twice your age the next day.....Wow is the sun bright this morning
  9. That is the reason that picture was not a front shot...LOL, I was walking away and just turned and snap the pic, so the quality isnt the best.
  10. oh that is a bummer. At least you were close to home and had assistance.
  11. I bought a ticket. I have never owned a V-twin, and probably never will. Just how my luck goes.....
  12. Hayden, note the book in book case. Smoke, Stewie (orange), Rocket Kinser
  13. Just as I got on the freeway after leaving the show, JaysonL called me. Sorry I did not get to meet up with you Jayson. Hopefully you got to talk the people at the Penton owners group booth for info/parts contact for your Penton project.
  14. Not sure what i expected, but Suzuki's display looked more like bikes at a yard sale then a professional display. Maybe the economy causing cutbacks in the display department? Ducati had the nicest display. My friend Perry had his drag bike in the bike show, card #15.Lots of leather and chrome for the Harley/ trike crowd.
  15. Just be sure to keep the tarp tight over the bike, so the wind does not move the tarp around and create a sandpaper effect on the paint. A blanket over the bike first, should protect the paint.
  16. Back home from the show already. I met Ben and Carrie. Cool people. Just waiting for later to meet everyone at Buddy's around 8. Ducati, as usual, has the best display.
  17. I went to Indy in 08, missed last year due to the lack of funds, but I do plan to go this year. I have a friend who will be camping across from the track. In 08, i remember getting to the track early, then meeting up with my friend. The drink-fest started at 8AM.
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