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Posts posted by drew95gt

  1. I'm pretty sure it's a Fury based bagger.

    True, but really the Fury, Sabre, Stateline, and Interstate are all part of the new VT1300 series. I was just saying Sabre due to the huge front wheel, which I guess the Fury does have too. Potatoe/Potato. Actually after reading the article it says it was built from a Stateline...still pretty badass.

  2. The only reason we don't have a higher homicide rate is because we have kick-ass trauma hospitals. I would put our felonious assault rates up with any city in the country.

    I agree with this. I work part time down at Grant Medical Center and see the lives being saved everyday. I had no idea how much crap really goes down in Columbus until I started working there, it's kind of scary and sad at the same time. I still really like the town...crime and all.

  3. It is tough working 3rd shift and trying to have a social life. Add kids into the situation, plus going back to college part time and forget about it...lol. Seriously though, my wife looked at me the other day and said "why do you even have your motorcycle anymore...you never get to ride it??" I was pissed for a second until I realized she had a point. The last times I did have time to ride I got the 'look' from the wifey everytime I started out the door with my helmet. Apparently running out the door on the few nights we are both off because I don't have to watch the kid since she is home is frowned upon...who would have thought?? lol Good luck with the hobby thing. I took up playing video games since it is something I can do while still being home with the kiddo, plus my daughter loves to play kids games as well. The gym idea is great as well...I NEED to do that in a big way.

  4. I can see where you adrenaline junkies would LOVE the track for speed and such, but I ride more to relax and clear my head not to go balls out. That said, I would love to try a track day just to see what it is like...and to see how slow of a rider I really am lol. I don't see me giving up the street though because, like Hoblick, I enjoy the sport touring side of it.

  5. Makes me want to buy a GoPro...that's not "get rich" money, but $600 a month can cover a good bit of bills. (a.k.a. - bike payment or two). Unfortunately I doubt I could create anything that would generate hits like that.

  6. I hardly ever shop at Wal-Mart...I dislike everything about that place. I would much rather grocery shop at Kroger's and if I need clothes or stuff like that then I hit the mall or outlet stores.

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