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Posts posted by drew95gt

  1. Head down to my parents house in WV, they have tons of natural resources readily available there...they live on the river. Dad also has an entire room full of SG ammo and reloading supplies, everything from 12 gauge down to 410. They have an abundant supply of wildlife (deer, squirrel, rabbit, turkey, etc..), fish, water, wood, etc. We would be just fine. I would have to rope off dads back yard and make it into a garden and raise some chickens as well. Medicine will be the big equalizer when it comes to survival...but with the ammo surplus dad has we could trade for it for a long time. That's the good part about growing up in the country...we know how to make do with what is available. The hardest part would be having to defend what you own...convincing anyone besides dad and I to shoot to kill would be a challenge.

  2. How would the existence of aliens shoot big holes in any religion? I'm somewhat of a religious person, and the idea of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe would have little to no impact on my belief in God.

    Because God said that we are the ones made in his image...so if aliens do exist, it is very UNLIKELY they look just like us which kind of shoots a hole in our whole "unique" theory when we find out that we are not special. Think about how all of the pagan tribal people reacted when the Christians rode into their village and said that their Gods were bullshit and everything they knew was wrong. If the aliens make it here, then they are obviously superior beings to humans so we would be the lesser species. I believe in a creator, but organized religion is just a tool to control the masses by tying unavoidable consequences to inappropriate actions.

  3. Yeah I liked Jesse's bike the best...by a mile. You have to appreciate the time, blood, sweat, and details that went into that bike. Jesse is a true craftsman...and he did have a valid arguement that his was the only bike that you could really ride out of the three.

  4. I still think Happy would have been a better choice.

    Jax doesn't have the history with Hap that he does with Chibs...so it makes more sense to have Chibs. Remember Hap was nomad until just recently. He is unsure of Tig's loyalty to Clay so I am not shocked he wouldn't let him be his right hand man. More questions than answers with the season finale...it's going to be a long wait for next season. I am kind of curious to see where Opie will land when next season starts...if he is going to back Jax or not.

  5. Of the three, yours is the hardest to sell. Not too much easier to sell an FZ6 but a SV at the right price doesn't last too long. They've got a much bigger cult following.

    Yeah the Z750's were pretty popular in Europe...especially the naked version. I don't know why they never caught on over here. I really like the Z750R they sell over there...I would love to have one.

  6. Yep had several flakes, no serious buyers. I had one fellow all lined up, he test rode it...loved it and wanted it but when he called to come get it I was out of town for a few days. Long story short he couldn't (didn't want to ) wait so he went to the dealer and plunked down the cash for a similar bike. Had another guy from PA interetsed in it and the day before he was supposed to come and pick it up he called and says he can't afford a new toy now and changed his mind. Then there was the whole fiasco with the guy wanting to trade for a CBR F4i then changing the terms of the deal the day before and trying to rip me off. It's been a real hassle to sell this bike because not a lot of people even know what it is. I wonder if the FZ6 and SV650 guys have this much trouble selling their bikes?? How are ya liking the FZ1 btw??? That was a nice find.

  7. I read yesterday, that the new systems will be out the end of next year.

    They have been saying that for a while now. I say probably closer to the end of 2013 early 2014. I think the Xbox360 and especially the PS3 have some life left in them.

  8. I have a remote start on my Accord (used to be the wifes car before she turned my new F150 into a new minivan for her...but thats a whole other thread) and lost the remote. From what she said it quit working on her sp when she lost the remote she didnt care. Is there any way to get remotes for them?? It is a compustar system...like 5 years old or so.

  9. Welfare should not cover more than 2 kids MAXIMUM if they were born before the parent went on welfare, and if you get preggo while on welfare then the parent should not get a single penny more than before they had the kid...no matter how many kids they have. If they can't afford them then child services should step in and place them with foster parents who want a child and can provide for one appropriately. It is such a crock a shit. Makes me sick knowing that I'm paying for this piece of shit to stay alive, and I feel horrible for the kids...they need to be placed into new homes asap. The thing that really burns me up is that she acts like WE owe her something...grow the fuck up and take responsibility for yourself. No one in this world is owed a damn thing, if you want something then work for it like everyone else does. I'm sure she votes democrat...

  10. When you figure in technological advances that cut the "man power" of war down substantially, these numbers almost make sense. The armed forces probably wouldn't know what to do if they had 33 million people working for them (if serving rate was still 11%). That would almost be unsustainable from an economic standpoint to have that many people working for the government.

  11. I think you guys have a point...there has to be some kind of back story behind Potter. It is too convenient to have him as just some rogue ADA out to shut down SAMCRO...who just HAPPENS to resemble JT...and is also a biker. Also if you remember when the black sherriff was tearing the shit out of the club house and knocking the pics off of the wall he pauses and picks up JT's pic then the camera zooms in...almost like he was making a subconsious connection. I bet there is some kind of crazy back story...and I have a feeling we will find out either in the finale or beginning of season 5. I don't think Potter IS JT though, he doesn't appear old enough for starters...perhaps younger brother or half brother? His reasoning behind the RICO deal could be to shut down the IRA/Cartel and put some distance between them and SAMCRO...while putting SAMCRO's criminal blame on Clay landing him behind bars. This would grant JT's wishes that the club would be out of drugs AND guns and also leave Jax in charge of the club. So maybe it is Jax's good uncle coming in to set things right? Just a weird theory...but it kind of makes sense.

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