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Posts posted by drew95gt

  1. It is weird to see Wendy back on the show...it's all good, I dig Drea DeMatteo. I wonder what reason Sutter would write her back in though??? Like we don't have enough weird story lines going already. Maybe she is setting something up for Season 5?? I hope Opie takes out Clay and ends the whole cartel deal, it's been nothing but trouble from the start.

  2. I have to get to Los Angeles...my team would be my wife (Christina), my best friend (Jason), and my mother-in-law (Carla). My ride would be a COTA bus. My weapon would be a M4A1 with silencer and red dot sight...and a MP9 with silencer as my secondary (from MW3). The first zombie I would have to kill would be a girl that I work with. Chances are pretty good..my wife is more vicious than me..lmao.

  3. Sometimes a bank will release the title to a bike if it is being sold so he can give you the title. At least that is how my credit union has done it when I sold bikes that I still owed a small amount on. Make 100% sure that you guys know what the "selling price" is listed on the title. Sometimes the state will follow up if they suspect that fraud has been committed and they will send you an affidavit to fill out regarding the selling price. As long as you guys both put the same amount then you are golden, but if either of you put a different amount then they will investigate.

  4. I feel like I'm playing hardcore. Either I'm getting old and slow, or these kids game way to much. Just gonna take some time to get used too. Also seems way more fast paced than previous versions.

    Campaign seems to be a bit easier. Veteran level used to be damn near impossible. It hasn't given me many fits yet. Spec ops are more difficult it seems.

    I MUCH prefer the pace of Black Ops/WaW to the MW games. I am trying to get used to the constant running and gunning though...lol. I ALWAYS play HC mode in multiplayer, was kinda pissed I had to wait until level 19 or whatever to unlock HC modes. I think the 1 shot kill makes it much more realistic. I mean seriously, who is gonna take 4 or more shots from an assault rifle before going down?? I like the sniper classes a lot better on MW3 compared to Black Ops though, the scoping is way improved. People still UAV spam WAY too much, it is pretty annoying. The maps are ok, just too small. I haven't played BF3 yet, but from what I have read I think I am going to like it. Also, I think if I can get good at MW3 then I should be pretty boss @ Black Ops when I go back to playing it occasionally. It is kind of frustrating to go from consistently getting K/D in the 3.0 or higher range on Black Ops compared to 1.0 if I am lucky on MW3.

  5. It is pretty fun so far...my K/D is pretty pathetic right now though. IDK why but on MW2 I was never very good, but on W@W and Black Ops I was pretty good?? Hopefully I get better at MW3, I find myself getting shot in the back A LOT more in this one than BO as well??? It will take some getting used to.

  6. true,

    People walk in with fever and say cant afford tylenol, on history they smoke 3 packs of cigs every day and afford that pretty easy.

    Not to mention the coke and heroin junkies who all feed on hard working peoples tax and life insurance.

    This is also true. :nono: We see so many COPD patients come in that refuse to quit smoking, have no insurance, and end up with respiratory failure being put on the vent for days if not weeks (at the cost of at least a grand a day for the ventilator...not counting the ICU stay plus meds and various consults). That is a HUGE amount of money, and these folks are "regulars"...as in, I am on a first name basis with many of them that come through ER.

  7. i have no political knowledge of whats going on here, or whats gonna happen or even what the health bill is all about. But this question is what i always had doubt myself. What i am about to say is just what i see and not my biased opinion.

    Since we cover non insured patients coming into hospital everyday, i see in first person how much of money is going down the drain. Its not the fees and cost, its the defensive practice. non insured guy walks in fully drunk with no medical problems. He still gets admitted and gets at least the basic lab work done and a CT of head if he was found floored on the streets. By the end of the day 500-1000 dollars from tax payers is gone on this one guy in few hours coz he decided to just have a fiesta.

    I see the same thing everyday @ work, it's both sad and frustrating at the same time. Then, they bitch about the service they get 9 out of 10 times as well. I'm not sure about the healthcare bill...I have a feeling the middle class will still end up footing the bill for these folks same as we always have. I'm not sure more regulation is the answer here.

  8. MW3 looks good...I have never played anything from the Battlefield series before, but I am seriously considering picking BF3 up. I tend to like the larger maps in the COD series so I have a feeling I will like BF3. The small maps like Nuketown on Black Ops or Dome on WaW are just dumb to me, nothing but people spraying and praying they hit something while running around like idiots...where is the "tactical" part of that?? lol.. I also like Medal of Honor Limited Ed. on the PS3 (I know I am in the minority on this one) the campaign is really fun and the multiplayer is good even with the limited & smaller maps.

  9. Good point for voting YES on issue 2, thanks for showing the truth about how public employees are compensated unfairly above what most people are and they are being asked to pay for the public employee benefits. I don't think I could have come up with as good of an argument on my own.

    See folks even the public employees know they are getting compensated better than the people who are paying them.

    No not really...I said clearly that I make LESS money than I would at a private hospital. Benefits don't put food on the table...they just make it so i don't have to work until I am 80 freaking years old. I want to enjoy my golden years thank you very much, it's give and take. All I was saying is that without the benefit package the public hospitals lose a lot of their competitiveness with private ones. Either way, this bill is aimed at the WRONG people. All of these people that are complaining about what I make, how much I put into retirement, how long I have to work, etc...etc...etc.. ALWAYS have the option to quit their day jobs and come work in the public sector if they think the grass is so green on this side.

  10. You put in 12% into both healthcare and retirement? Now what about the rest of the public sector? I know a lot that pay 0%.

    When you figure out my retirement and health insurance, it is about 15% of my gross combined. Most of that is my retirement because my company negotiated a good price for our insurance coverage. The other reason my health insurance premium is so low is because my wife carries the kiddos on hers and she works for the same hospital. I don't pay in to retirement (well except SS if you can count that) with my other job at the private hospital because it is just part time work I do for some extra cash.

  11. Yeah I have had to spank my kiddos on a rare occasion or two, but that video was a bit much. My oldest has made me VERY angry before...you just have to be the bigger person and know when to walk away and calm down. As my Dad told me later in life.."the secret to keeping your kids in line is to make them think that you are just a little bit crazy...keep them guessing." lol Worked for me I guess.

  12. How much do you pay into it? 10%-15% like SB5 would do across the board?

    Not saying benefits aren't a reason to get into the public sector, but obviously our budget can't handle what we have been trying to do. How many public workers have been laid off because we have no money?

    Yes that's what I put in, I believe it is 12% now.

  13. Let’s keep the facts straight, only public hospital employees will be affected. The vast majority of medical professionals will not be affected.

    I DO work for a public hospital and pay into OPERS. Keep in mind that OSU and most of it's ancillary hospital's employees are public employees as well. That is a BIG piece of the medical employee pie in and around central Ohio. So don't talk to me like I don't know wtf I am saying here. I also work for a private hospital per diem (one of the best trauma centers in central Ohio) so I do know both sides of the issue. :rolleyes:

  14. Issue 2 will make public employees pay into their healthcare and retirement instead of the tax payers, correct? If they have to pay their own, wouldn't the taxes that don't go to healthcare and retirement anymore be used to hire more police and firefighters, buy equipment, etc? Small reduction in take home pay = more jobs available right?

    Taking away bargaining for safety equipment isn't even on the table from what I have read.

    If SB5 stays in place, this will allow the worst teachers/FD/PD to be fired instead of just the low man on the totem pole correct?

    Collective bargaining forces teachers of the year to be laid off instead of the bad teachers. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/how-collective-bargaining-forced-milwaukee-fire-teacher-year_553779.html

    I do pay into my retirement/health insurance and I am a public employee...Respiratory Therapist at a county hospital to be exact. Politicians are NOT going to be hurt by this bill, it is going after the middle class public workers. Quite honestly the benefits are the main reason to stay in a public sector job. I would make a lot more if I worked for a private hospital...just wouldn't have as good of retirement/benefits.

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